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It was 1:56 when Peyton finished getting ready

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It was 1:56 when Peyton finished getting ready. She wore a white baggy shirt with snoopy on it, along with blue jean shorts. She wore a pair of Nike ankle socks with white strapped Birkenstocks. She made sure to tape her mic to her chest and clamped her mic box onto the waist band of her jeans. She made her way down to the lobby with her phone in her back pocket.

By the elevator, she met Peej and Dizzy who were waiting for the elevator to come up. "Hey, guys!" She grinned widely.

They both turned to her with a wide grin. "Hey, Pey. You ready?" Dizzy nudged.

"You know I am! What's life without arguing with store employees?" She beamed. The elevator dinged, signaling that it was here.

The doors opened, and the three stepped in. In the distance, Peyton saw Lake running towards the elevator. "Wait!" She called out. Peyton held out her arm to prevent the doors from shutting.

"Lake!" Dizzy cheered, "I didn't know you guys were here yet!" He made room for Lake as she slipped past Peyton's arm. Peyton moved her arm, and the doors shut. "Where's Alissa?" Dizzy asked, leaning back against the railing.

Peej's eyes immediately lit up at the question. Peyton knew he was thinking the exact same thing. "She's still getting ready in the room. It might be a minute before she actually shows up in the lobby." Lake frowned, shooting a glance in Peyton's direction.

*Of course*, Peyton thought. It was cute seeing Alissa head over heels for Peej, especially seeing how they both despised each other at first.

The elevator stopped on the Lobby floor and they headed out to the of the elevator doors, where the rest of the group waited in the seating area. Baylen stood up and walked over to the group. The seated men greeted Lake with hugs. Baylen then went over to Peyton with his arms folded over his chest. "So, where's your filmer?" Baylen asked, standing in front of Peyton.

She shrugged. "She'll be here soon." She put her hands on her hips, rocking slightly forward. They all patiently sat there except Peej. He impatiently fidgeted with his phone while glancing over at the elevator every time it dinged.

At exactly 2, the elevator doors dinged once again. Everyone's attention turned to the elevator where a glamoured up Alissa walked out. She wore a black tank top that showed off her stomach, jean shorts, and a really thin plaid shirt she thrifted. Peej's eyes immediately widened as he watched her approach with the camera in hand.

"Right on time." She giggled. "Peej! I missed you so much." She ran over to Peej and gave him a hug, a tight long hug. Kyle and Baylen let out a forced cough, breaking the interaction up. "Hey, guys." She smiled at the other two, giving them both hugs.

After their brief reunion, they separated into separate cars. The first car included Peej, Kyle, Baylen, and Lucas. The second car held Dizzy, Lake, Alissa, and Peyton. Lake sat in the front seat next to Dizzy so she could film him. Meanwhile Alissa sat in the back with Peyton. "We're currently heading to Walmart with Baylen, Peej, and Kyle. We took separate cars because there's far too many of us, and the rental car Dizzy got is small!" Peyton complained.

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