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As soon as the group entered the convention, they were met with a ton of adoring fans running up and asking for photos with them, mostly asking for photos with Baylen

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As soon as the group entered the convention, they were met with a ton of adoring fans running up and asking for photos with them, mostly asking for photos with Baylen. Dizzy and Peyton continued walking while Lake and Alissa filmed. They didn't want to be caught up in that mess like Peej, Kyle, and Lucas. However, Fans came up to the both of them and asked for pictures. The closer they grew to the other influencers, the more fans that would run up to them asking for a picture.

In the corner of Peyton's vision, she could see Ben in the distance. "Hey, Alissa! I'll take the camera off your hands for a moment." She insisted.

Alissa's eyebrows came together as she hesitantly handed the camera to her. "Okay..." Her voice trailed off. Peyton filmed, seeing Peej come up behind the girl.

"Rah!" He grasped onto her shoulders tightly, shaking her. She let out a yelp and turned around.

"You dick!" Alissa huffed, slightly shoving him.

"Alissa!" a voice called from the distance. Everyone's attention turned to the direction which the voice came from. It was Ben!

"Oh, my God! Ben!" Her smile grew wider as she ran over to give him a hug, Peyton filming every second. Peyton smiled as she watched the two. She turned over to Peej who looked a bit upset. Her smile sort of faded as she turned her attention back to Ben and Alissa.

Uh oh, she thought. "It's crazy seeing you here... In person!" Alissa let go of his touch entirely.

"Same!" He smiled widely. Ben's head turned back when he heard his name once again, letting out a quick sigh. "I've gotta get back to my friends, but it was so nice seeing you! We need to actually hang out more." He suggested. "Bye, Alissa." He then ran off. Peyton saw Peej sort of smirk when he left.

Peej being jealous? This was truly a sight to see. Peyton internally squealed. Alissa faced the girl again. "I'll take my camera back now." She giggled, and Peyton willingly handed it to her. The crew then set off to go find Baylen, Kyle, and Lucas once again.

Alissa and Lake fell behind while Peej, Dizzy, and Peyton lead the group. "Hey," Peyton spoke low, so only Peej could hear her.

"Hm?" He hummed back in response. His head turned down to face her with a curious look on his face.

"I wouldn't sweat over Ben and Alissa." She nudged him with her elbow.

Peej scoffed, "I wasn't sweating over anything." He shook his head, probably trying to air out the obvious lie.

"Okay..." the girl cooed, now looking ahead. She noticed Peej glance back at her in her peripheral vision before a smile grew on his face. *Boom*. Now everyone was happy.


They left the convention around 6:30 PM. "I'm fucking starving. Where should we go eat?" Dizzy asked the group as they made their way back to the car.

"I'm pretty sure I saw a Hibachi restaurant on the way here." Lake remarked. She pulled out her phone and began looking. "Yeah, there's one down the road. We could go there."

"We are a pretty big group," Lucas nodded. "Plus, fried rice and steak sounds hella good right now."

Everyone agreed and packed into the cars they were in on the way to VidCon. On the way there, Peej, Baylen, Alissa, and Peyton blared "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction. The feeling of screaming along to songs in the car while Baylen drove made Peyton really miss Georgia. She sometimes grew tempted to find a house back in Atlanta so she could be closer to Baylen, but she would be leaving behind Alissa, Lake, and Dizzy. She couldn't do that to them.

When they arrived, the group hopped out of the car and made their way inside. They were seated with a family who had two teenage boys who were fans of Baylen.

"Baylen!" the blonde one gasped.

"Holy shit!" The black-haired boy's hands flew onto his head, his eyes widened.

Peyton couldn't help but laugh, looking at Baylen as the group took their seats. Baylen sat next to the boys and Peyton sat next to Baylen. "Who's that?" The blonde one asked, pointing at Peyton.

"Why no other than Peyton Farmer. She's my best friend. She was in a lot of the older videos." He smiled, wrapping his arm around her. The two boys cooed teasingly before laughing. Peyton's cheeks flushed red as she glanced away.

A lady took their order before the chef came out shortly after and began cooking in front of them on the large grill. He let out a loud cackle as a fire flared in front of the group.

Peyton's body immediately flew on to Baylen. Her arms raveling around his. He glanced down at her before laughing. She waited until the fire died down to let go. She looked over at Alissa, who started snickering, putting her phone down. That sly little demon filmed her grasping onto Baylen while fearing for her life. Touché. She thought.

"Bro, she wants you!" The black-haired boy said while laughing.

"Who doesn't?" Baylen teased, glancing over at Peyton and tilting his head to the side. Those eyes of his were something so unreal. They were alluring, attractive, addictive. He looked back at the boys next to him and began talking to their parents. Her heart slowly sank as she turned her attention back to the cook.

The chef scooped her order onto her plate. Chicken and shrimp, fried rice, and steamed vegetables. She took a sip of her Pepsi before digging into her food. Baylen reached his hand over and snagged a piece of chicken off her plate, plopping it in his mouth before she could even react.

"Hey!" She pouted. She then grabbed a scoop of his rice with her fork, chewing on it with a smug smirk on her face. Ever since they were little, he'd taken food off her plate.

At Kyle's 9th birthday party, they all went to Chuck E. Cheese. She put her cheese pizza slice down after taking a bite before Baylen quickly swooped in, taking the slice off her paper plate. He held it over her head as she begged for it back, taking a small bite out of it before putting it back. She didn't talk to him for a majority of the party after that.

She stayed by the ski ball machind, trying her best to obtain as many tickets as she could to get a small penny board she wouldn't shut up about. She watched as Baylen won a jackpot of tickets, almost crying tears of anger.

Right as they were leaving, Baylen ran over to her, handing her the penny board she wanted. He spent all his tickets on her just to make her feel better. She couldn't stay mad at him after that. She gave him a hug and rode on that thing until she couldn't fit on it anymore. Even now she still has the board in her room in Indianapolis.

Some say that's the moment she truly developed feelings for Baylen, but it was debatable due to the long list of kind things he's done that made her heart ping.

Authors Note; Just 1 more before I head to sleep. love the ppl who have actually been reading 😛

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