Weyland x Raker

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Raker POV: I was part of the suppression gang, consisting of Invader and Blitz. So far I've heard Invader got himself a girlfriend. Back when we were dominating stuff now we seem like a joke. Personally me I'm glad we switched to the chill side I cannot keep up with the attacks that we're doing almost every day. Even though blitz is still attempting to continue to legacy that we used to have. But whatever that guy will never accept the fact that we have changed and he needs to get over it. Fortunately I've been trying to get into the topic of Love even though most other robots don't tell me to get into a relationship with anyone. And then again thire probably right but if I choose to be in love that's my decision. dating websites not really the best option for me not really confident enough to show myself. In fact that I am short and plus kind of skinny but I will admit I have  large genitalia- ok sorry but still even though that might be the best attractive feature of me that still won't give me girls. But whatever I'm more of the type that runs in battle even though I'm not supposed to I'm supposed to "stay back and support people" they say in this case all my allies are a bunch of idiots that don't know what they're doing most of the time but whatever I was drawn into a battle. Some dragon robots that it would be funny to invade a base more like they were trying to put us in debt it was a oil factory and they were attempting to break into it and steal some oil for themselves. I was sent in first to investigate. I ended up finding about 20 dragons invading the base geez-but whatever I equipped my best weapons bane and venom they were acid type weapons I'm pretty sure you probably heard of them before they were made to cut the resistance even known to harm Titans which of normally are hard to take down in general.Ao guang's had resistance so I was forced to Target them. Luckily I took down most of them that were stealing containers, some did fall and break but I wasn't responsible for that at all but most of them were okay. I started working on Ao Qins they were the weakest of the group but their little lightning strikes were very annoying. Fortunately I took them down too but then I had to move to the big one the Ao Jun's. They were powerful with two heavy weapons and the ability to spit fire like a real dragon they were the most dangerous and to make things worse they had to stealth so you couldn't even Target them. I was forced to retreat as they were too powerful I was taking heavy damage during the fight. I was getting swarmed left and right luckily didn't have weapons that could do tons of damage but fortunately their abilities could. I was backed into a corner with their leader which happened to be a special edition version of Ao Jun came up to me using thunders those weapons my biggest fear and threat if someone where to get too close with me with shotgun weapons I'd be dead. And in this case they were smart enough to know that I was disabled I couldn't move and I couldn't even shoot I thought this was the end of me I won't even die at honorable death cuz this is just one of the many factories they have so remembering me would be physically impossible. Great. Until I saw this figure at the corner of my eye. It seemed to be a figure that had four legs similar to me but they were a bit thicker I couldn't tell if that's just a female robot or a heavy armored robot but either way it was targeting the leader of this dragon clan. It went closer and aimed and shot immediately the leader fell to the floor as coolant spewed out the top of its hull everyone was shocked including me as soon as that little event happened the dragons begin flying around looking for whoever did that they were startled and mad two of them held me up by my legs and we're about to pull them off they wanted the other robot to come because they believed that I may have been with this robot all the time I wasn't. I didn't even know what that robot was I told them  that I didn't even know who that guy was but they didn't listen. fortunately one poor guy got shot in the nuts and he immediately fell to the floor causing the other to fall including me. dragons begin all flying in the air they were all startled knocking over many supplies I just stared it was cool seeing them flying but they were destroying everything suddenly all of them were all on the floor turns out the person who shot their leader had a smoke bomb which for some reason disable the dragons one by one I watched all the fall to the ground and get shot it was brutal to watch but then again what did they expect to happen. The other guy who got shot In his  no no area was over there suffering fortunately the bullet was not really that harmful but that guy is not having kids either way suddenly he got shot again but in the face killing him. I watched after figure got closer to me preparing myself to join the dragons in the afterlife but as soon as the figure got closer it stopped it was painted in a way where I couldn't really see what type of robot it was all I know is the robot had plated legs and lights searchlights. Pointed directly at me I asked the figure "who are you"and they responded.

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