Arthur x Hellburner ft others

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Didn't know I'd be writing Angst but here we go.

(Hover was usually a quiet guy to see him yell was scary. his voice when he was angry could make the mightiest Titan Pee their pants. Arthur was humbled immediately whenever he was yelled at but the thing is nobody had the courage to do it. Arthur got a barrage of insults after this.)

Mender: You are disgusting! You're probably the one who touch my leg you pervert!

Kid: WHAT!

*Kid went up to Arthur and kicked him straight in the balls.*

Arthur: Ow! *He screams in pain as he drops to the floor holding his crotch* That wasn't me!

(Even though Arthur had his fair share of being a weirdo. Turns out he was being controlled by a enemy pilot they just didn't know that yet. Arthur never did any of this just fortunately when he was unconscious they brain hacked him. But of course nobody believed him despite him telling the truth.)

Arthur: Guys you don't understand it's not me! I swear! I was being controlled-

Ao guang: Excuses excuses now I realize how bad we are. I'm breaking up our friendship you are disgusting. I'm not getting involved in this perverted drama because of you.

Arthur: Guys I swear!

Griffin: How are we supposed to trust you around other robots when you act like that to a Titan. That's disgusting I don't want to be in a world where I have to watch over my wife and possibly my future kids.

Natasha: Exactly. you're a disgusting pervert, I can't believe you had the audacity to invade her personal space. This is why no one trusts you or likes you. Not even your only friend.

*Kid wasn't having it though.*

Kid's thoughts: (This disgusting excuse of a robot I really wanted to beat up. I will make sure he will go to seven layers of hell but it's not my stove ability that will be doing the work for me.)

*Kid rain down a stream of bullets towards Arthur while beating him up. The others joined in jumping him because they weren't having it either believing that Arthur was guilty for everything. Arthur soon found himself backed into a wall.*

Bolt thoughts: )I was there I was just never mentioned. Anyways I was recording the whole thing because I'm too weak to really do anything. I didn't realize how bad the situation got until I saw his chassis is getting destroyed if they weren't going to stop he could have got killed. I should take action even though I'm not really trying to defend this guy I don't want a bloodbath or in this case a coolant shower.)

*Then a mysterious object fell out of Arthur.*

Bolt: Guys stop you're going to **KILL HIM!**

Kid: I guess you have a point but I'm still going to beat him up whether he likes it or not.

Mender: Even though I am enjoying this we have to listen to her or else he'll get killed. *She noticed the mysterious object on the ground* also wait a minute what is this on the ground?

*Pilot has been discovered.*

Arthur: *bruised and bleeding too scared to talk hoping that doesn't make the situation worse.*

Mender: Wait everyone look it's a enemy pilot. Wait a minute.. could this mean that Arthur was being controlled!?

Kid: So that explains his jerk behavior. To be honest I thought he was like this in general. it still doesn't excuse his actions. I don't trust him still.

Arthur: *too scared to talk.*

*But nobody was paying attention to him everyone was paying attention to the pilot on the floor trying to make an escape. Ao guang shot the pilot's leg before capturing him in a cage*

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