Mercury x Butch

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Mercury POV. I was a robot that can jump but the thing that is different about me is I could do a hell dive. It did tons of damage and to make things worse I have stealth right after it so I can still get a few hits on you if I didn't kill you. Many robots are jealous and envy me for the fact. I do use that to boost my ego and tell them be grateful for what you have. Some robots don't even have abilities at all. They usually shut up after that. Can't believe I have to tell grown robots that you need to appreciate what you have and stop getting mad over me but I can tell they're just jealous and wish they had damage and stealth when they jumped. I also have another prototype of me but bigger. It also has stealth. And basically it's heavier than me but it can't do the same damage when I land. I don't remember its name though. But I believe it has the same weapons slots as me I have two lights and one heavy that guy basically has the same thing but replace the light with medium. anyways I was taking a midnight stroll around my base. Fortunately I can feel that somebody was watching me. I start acting like I don't know what I'm doing to try and get it off guard so I can catch it and question it. Fortunately the tactic does work as I see a bit of Canon or artillery weapon sticking out from a bush a little I start going over there but trying to make it seem as I'm just wondering over here by random. I start walking around like I'm drunk or something and it worked because I see more of the Canon. Then I jump. I went on the robot pushing him back. The robot fires a shell which causes me to take tons of damage but since my armor is more advanced than his weapons he doesn't really do much other than knock one of my panels off.

Mercury: what are you doing here.

Butch: I'm here for a reason it's not for the reason you think it is.

Mercury: I know that you've been watching me don't think I'm stupid.

Butch: I'm not here to cause a giant war.

Mercury. We both come from different corporations. We're not the same.

Butch: I know that I'm not stupid. Listen here I'm here to try and take a break I don't need a robot on my tail. Besides if I was here to attack you I would have had put on more heavy weapons and brought a friend. Do you mind letting me go now.

Mercury: I understand that but my policy is very strict when it comes to other robots.

Butch: all right then. I guess I'll leave don't speak of this anyway. I'm not trying to get me and my other corporation in trouble.

Mercury: all right then goodbye.

Butch Left the place.

Mercury: I don't know why but his voice was so kind of terrifying even though he didn't really have weapons that were. Man what am I thinking I'm a boy he's a boy. Nothing new here. Is this a feeling of love? I was programmed not to feel it even though I can feel other emotions. My designers made sure that they tried to not incorporate love into my "hanger of emotions"I'm normally a cold-hearted creature. Or robot in this case. Either way I need to get him out of my mind and continue my stroll just to make sure I don't find any robots I can be associated with him in a bad way.

Mercury continues his walk. But he keeps on having feelings and emotions for that one robot. It's starting to get annoying.

Mercury: God I hate this love emotion. It's screwing me up my work I can't screw up around yan-di. You know what I'll try and scout him out if we have another battle with his corporation. To fix this little curse.

Soon out of nowhere two of the corporations yan-di and DSC. Have a big collab.

Mercury found butch sitting there. He seemed bored. The sniper mech games were not really that great. Also to admit most robots didn't like him for some reason even though he was one of the best snipers.

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