Chapter 23

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Felicitys P.O.V

I called Andy and told him I need to leave. After what happened to jake I didn't want him to flip and murder someone. of course we went to the cops, tried to tell them about what happened to jake, how it was them that attacked me ect. but the cops wouldn't listen. I was a high priority case at first, what happened?
Andy and I left that night, staying in shitty motels with cold macaroni being the only half decent meal we got. I was starting to get my speech back, so I could say little words and even some small sentences. I would still go back to visit the specialist about my voice, which was okay because our hotel was in a town only an hour or two from our old town.
I admit it. I miss home. I miss living with my family of two. I miss the allnighters with becky, fueling ourselves only with cold pizza, energy drinks and horror movies. maybe ill move back home some day, but for now I'm happy with Andy and my current lifestyle. how about we go home for a visit?? :)


Also shout out to zozobrownxx for being badass and reminding me about this story hahah see I updated so you can't tell me off anymore XD

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