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It was the first official Cobra Kai lesson in the new flagship dojo in Encino since the tournament and Tory struggled to make it there on time. For once, not because of her mom or her job but because she was so torn between what to do and how to feel.

She walked in catching the end of Silver's speech: "Consider this their job interview." Over the new senseis' heads, he saw Tory walk in and proclaimed "Let's all give it up. Champ is in the house." and clapped along with the rest of the class who let out some cheers. "She's allowed to be a little late. Today." He declared with the joint of a warning as Tory bowed and stepped onto the mat taking her spot at the top of it. Kenny turned to her in the spot Robby was supposed to be in and asked her excitedly "When are you gonna bring your trophy in?"
"Not today." Tory replied shortly. Kenny was surprised at her attitude but nodded anyway.
"All right, warm up. The senseis will instruct you. Let's see what they know." Silver said. Tory looked around as people started to split off into pairs and groups. She missed her partner. She missed Robby. Two of the new senseis walked over to Tory but the Japanese one stopped the other man from coming closer, claiming the champion first.

"So you are champion, eh?" He asked her.
"Yeah. I guess." Tory replied already struggling to keep up the facade.
"Good. Then I will not go easy on you."

While Robby scammed his way out of a difficult situation, Tory opted for the truth.

Tory couldn't help but let a few tears spill over now knowing for 100% that the tournament was rigged and her victory was bought, and also at the comparison Terry made having had some experience in that department.

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Tory sat at home holding the trophy thinking over what to do: help Kreese by playing the good little soldier for Silver or follow Sensei Joe's lesson about honour. Even without the reason to help Sensei Kreese, Cobra Kai was still a tempting offer for Tory as it was the only place she felt like she belonged; she wondered what Silver meant by make her the future of the dojo and if it would help her current or future situation.

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Robby watched a tearful Johnny and Miguel reunite and hug. He wasn't exactly jealous (at least that's what Robby told himself) but... it was still difficult.

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The drive home was very awkward and quiet. At least once they crossed the border back into California, Johnny and Robby were able to take shifts driving to make it go faster. In an effort to get the boys talking, Johnny tried to think of what they had in common and brought up the subject of girlfriends. The sound of Miguel even mentioning Tory's name had Robby slamming on the brake.
"So... we're still not ready to talk about this." Johnny realised regretting bringing the conversation up and to avoid them crashing he let the boys return back to silence.

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The next day, Tory walked into the new Cobra Kai dojo with her bought first place trophy and placed it on the empty shelf left for it on the trophy wall "Nichols. So you've made your decision." Silver called not even looking at her.
"I'm back." She shrugged looking around the empty dojo "Where's everyone else?"
"No class today. There's some business I need to take care of." Tory nodded once and walked away secretly thrilled on the inside, pausing to bow as she passed Sensei Joe which he returned.

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