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Tory stormed into the dojo angry after another pointless and awkward day at school. She stormed all the way to the back room where she could hear someone wailing on a punching bag and knew exactly who it would be.

"You will not believe the day I've had." By the middle of her sentence Robby had turned around and only then did Tory register that he was shirtless. "Oh... Sorry. I, uh... thought you moved out?"
"I did. There's just so much extra clothes here I thought I would get changed here. Besides is Sensei Silver really going to notice if I take extra gear?"
"Fair enough. I do appreciate a good scam."
"I'm just gonna grab a shirt."
"Yeah." Tory said awkwardly turning away a little. Whilst she had her back to him, Robby couldn't help but smile at the way he had finally caught her off guard.
"So, what's up?" Asked Robby while tucking his black Cobra Kai sports top into their matching shorts.

They walk out into the main dojo and Tory tells Robby of her awkward and annoying encounter with Sam LaRusso.
"She stole your line?" Robby laughed.
"It's not funny."
"Oh I know." Robby agreed. "But, I'm just trying to imagine Sam saying that - which is funny."

They were interrupted from discussing any further by Kenny storming into the dojo.

"You would not believe the day I've had."

Tory and Robby look at each other trying not to laugh at the parallel.

Robby asked his protege what happened and Kenny told them what Anthony and his friends did.

"Wow. Congrats. You had a worse day than me. That's unusual." Tory praised and Robby gave her a look that said 'Not helping'. Thankfully, she was saved by the arrival of more Cobras and went to mingle while Robby took Kenny over to the nearest punching bag to take his anger out on.

When Kyler and Piper arrive they walk over to say hi to Robby and Kenny and Tory soon joins them again. Noticing the look on the young boy's face Piper asks "What's wrong?"
"My bullies stole my clothes from the locker room." Kenny answers the nice girl. Only for Kyler to burst out laughing.
"Okayy, let's go over there." Tory said as she and Piper dragged Kyler away.

"So, they stole all your clothes?" Robby clarified.
"I can't take anymore of their crap. I'm ready to use my training!" Kenny exclaimed as he punched the dummy out of anger.
"And what do you think you're gonna do?"
Kenny paused to respond "I'll do what you do. Kick their asses." Before returning to angrily punching the dummy.
Robby almost panicked at how much the kid looked up to him and decided to be straight with Kenny "I got kicked out of school and landed in juvie. Come on, you gotta be smarter than me and your brother."
"Well, I gotta do something." Kenny argued.

"Class, fall in." Sensei Kreese ordered interrupting them.
"Today we have a very important lesson, don't we, Sensei Silver?"
"Yes, we do. Weakness."
"Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible."
"At the tournament, you'll have to recognise that weakness. And make no mistake, we all have one."
"Sensei Kreese doesn't." Tory challenged.
"Of course he does. We all do. Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness, and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it?" Everyone nodded. "All right, prepare for combat." Sensei Silver clapped his hands.

The students circled around the mat getting some last stretches in before Senseis Kreese and Silver began the matches.

Up first, were Piper and Tory.

While, Tory was receiving coaching from Sensei Kreese, Robby was trying very hard to not look up and check her out in her skin tight snake print sportswear.

Robby hated to admit it but he actually felt a little jealous when Piper flirted with Tory but he immediately calmed down when the blonde shot the gymnast down.

Tory sat down on Sensei Kreese's right hand side as a winner for his team and Robby and Tory shared small smiles and a silent conversation of congratulations.

Next up was Kyler and Ryan's match which Kyler actually one by flipping his opponent onto the mat.
"Good work, Mr. Park." Kreese praised having to admit that the boy had improved since starting a few months ago.
"Thank you, Sensei."
"Another one for me." Kreese informed Silver for their bet.
"Double or nothing?" Silver suggested.
"Okay." Kreese agreed and picked his final student "Mr Keene." knowing that no one could beat him. Robby stood up and walked to his corner of the mat whilst Sensei Silver scanned the other students. He was tempted to pick Nichols since they had been spending so much time together and he wanted to test a theory, but knew that he should focus on proper training for the tournament. Silver tried to think who else other than Nichols did Keene have a connection to.

"Payne." He finally settled on. Snickers erupted from the dojo, mainly from Kyler but also a small one from Sensei Kreese. Silver cocked his head gesturing to the mat when Kenny took too long to stand up. The tiny middle schooler hesitantly pushed himself up and walked to his corner while Robby shook his limbs out getting ready for the fight.

Robby walked back to his spot after Kenny surprisingly beat him. "Sorry, Rob. Guess you can't win them all." Tory smiled amused by his loss.

After class, Robby and Tory continued their tradition of sparring with each other when they weren't challenged enough. During their fight, despite being schooled on his emotions ruling him less than an hour ago, Robby was almost as scared to hurt Tory as he was with Kenny.

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In school the next day, Tory was walking with Piper. Charlotte, Mia and Lindsay. As they walked by the stand selling tickets to the West Valley High Junior Prom, the girls once again tried to convince Tory to go. Tory was laughing at their girlish squeals and was almost joining in squealing "No." back when she saw something out of the corner of her eye which made her school her entire demeanour. Tory turned her head away from Sam and Miguel and strictly insisted that she wouldn't attend the prom.

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