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When Robby spotted Tory, the person responsible for the school fight, coming out of a meeting with her probation officer he jumped up and balled his hands into fists, ready to fight her. "Yeah, go ahead. They'll send you straight back to juvie." She warned him. Knowing she was right, Robby unclenched his hands. "Looks like we're in the same boat." Tory said.
"Thanks to you for starting the fight."
"And you for finishing it." Tory reminded him causing Robby to look down in shame. "It's not fair, you know. Everyone else got to go back to normal, but here we are eating shit while your girlfri—"
"Don't talk about Sam." Robby cut her off.
"She cheated on you."
"She made a mistake. Sam is a good person."
"Yeah. She sure acts like it. Just wait, she'll turn on you. Just like Miguel."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Than why are we both here?" She asked him. "At least I know who I am. You're still pretending to be something you're not." Tory moved to walk away but turned back to give Robby one piece of genuine advice. "Oh, on the section about home life, just check off 'stable'. They don't care and they never come to check."

Later on, Robby went to the LaRusso residence to find that Sam had indeed moved on and turned on Robby, just as Tory had predicted and so, he went to the one organisation and person who had helped him during his time in juvie.

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