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It had been two days since their failed attempt on attacking the combined Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang and Tory was still as mad as she was immediately after it had ended.

Hawk and Miguel told her to gather the beaten up Cobra Kais and leave. Most of them were just severely injured and slow but Miguel had knocked Kyler out; so with the help of Doug (before he told her they had gone too far and he was quitting) Tory gathered up her now closest comrade (since Hawk had betrayed her) and they dragged him back to his Jeep which Edwin had to drive.

Whilst waiting for Kreese to start the class Tory was taking her anger out on a punching dummy as she replayed her fight with LaRusso over in her mind, trying to see where she had gone wrong and lost the upper hand. Unfortunately, Tory's anger at the outcome was not helped by Kyler's arrogant voice talking about his university problems.
"You guys are pathetic!" She snapped walking over to Kyler and the guys "If you would have handled your business we would have won that fight."
"Hawk switched sides okay! At least I'm still here. Half the squad quit!" Kyler shouted back at her throwing his arms out gesturing to the quieter and more empty dojo. The two friends were interrupted from arguing anymore by the ringing of the bell as the door opened. It was Robby, just to add to Tory's anger. "Well look who finally showed up." The green eyed boy held her angry gaze but never responded, walking around the mat to the back dojo. "That fool doesn't even train and he gets to stay here." Kyler complained.

Tory came back during the day when she knew it would just be her and Robby in the dojo. She found him doing bench presses in the back dojo whilst rock music played in the background. Standing over him she said "You're supposed to have someone spot you, you know."
"I don't need a spotter." Robby stated and Tory mentally agreed casting an eye over his well defined arms.
"I see you've upgraded from running away to hiding."
"I'm not hiding." Robby defended.
"Really? Could've fooled me. I don't remember seeing you at the fight."
"What were you even thinking? That you'd break into the LaRusso's and hurt Sam and then everything would be sunshine and roses? You're lucky the LaRusso's didn't call the cops." Robby chastised her - it wasn't very on probation behaviour. "Well, at least I'm not the one stalling the fence." She spat at him. "Girls like Sam LaRusso think the whole world revolves around them. And why shouldn't she? All she has to do to get what she wants is make a puppy dog face and say please. Even after she dropped you, she's still got you wrapped around her finger."
"That is not true." Robby snapped defensively. "Then why are you defending her." Tory questioned and Robby opened his mouth to answer then promptly shut it. "You're right to skip practice if you're going to stay on defence this isn't the right dojo for you." She said hitting his shoulder as she walked past using the back exit feeling Robby watch her leave.

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Later on, Robby went to the skate park to clear his head when an old friend approached him.

"That's all I want." Sam said.

"I want." The words rang in Robby's head.

"All she has to do to get what she wants is make a puppy dog face and say please." Robby realised that Tory was right about Sam.
"Then it looks like I get to be the first person to ever tell you this. You're not getting what you want." Robby stated and skated away.

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The next day when the cobras arrived for practice they found Robby waiting for them at the top of the mat. "Get a load of this chump. What are you doing here?" Kyler remarked.
"Sensei Kreese isn't back yet, so I'm gonna get you guys warmed up." Robby replied dead serious.
"You've never been a part of this team and you think you're our sensei? Get the hell out of here, man."
"Who says we even want you?" Tory spoke up. Robby was confused for a moment (wasn't she the one who had been trying to convince him to join?) then he figured it out - it was a challenge. Looking at Tory he said "Okay, hit me." Now it was the cobras turn to be confused, Robby elaborated "Any of you. If any of you can land a hit, I'll go."
"All right." Kyler said thinking this would be easy.

Soon, all of the other boys joined the fight and Robby sent them all crashing down to the ground. Tory kept to the edge of the mat watching Robby fight - no, destroy - the Cobra Kai students. It was incredible, she'd never seen anyone fight like him before. She saw him blocking the Cobras strikes, those must be Miyagi-Do methods she thought, but there was an still aggressive nature to the way Robby fought - perhaps Kreese had given him more lessons than they knew about.

Once Robby had torn through all the guys he looked up for the most aggressive and talented Cobra, laying eyes on Tory he challenged her "You just gonna watch?" For a second after she begun her attack Robby thought he may have regretted challenging Tory - she had been watching him fight the others maybe she had found a flaw in his form - but he soon matched her rhythm and found some openings of his own.

After flipping Tory over his shoulder Robby stood up dropping his guard thinking the fight was over. "No hard feelings?" He asked her softly genuinely meaning it. Robby was incredibly caught off guard by Tory's heel kick so much so that it knocked him onto his ass. Robby scrambled back onto his feet whilst Tory done an effortless kip up. The two maintained eye contact waiting for the other to do or say something as they panted getting their breath back
"A deal's a deal. I'll go."
"No!" Tory called "Stay." She told him.

The guys weren't very happy but a couple of orders and insults barked at them by Tory had them heading to the changing rooms and lining up in formation.

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