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Tory and Robby continued to work on their revenge plans whilst teaching Kenny.
"They know you and I are the biggest threat. They also know that we can't risk violating probation."
"We need to get them somewhere no one else is around." Tory said finding a solution for their problem.

Just then Silver and Kreese came into the dojo still in their ordinary clothes. "Listen up. Gather round." Silver called. "We just had a little powwow with the Senseis at Miyagi-Do. From here on out, there'll be no more fighting until the tournament."
"So our enemies get to humiliate us, and we just have to back down and take it?" Tory spat.
"Of course not. We should always show our enemies no mercy." Kreese assured her.
"But there's a time to fight. No need to waste a punch if it's not going to score a point. So if your enemies do something to mess with you or laugh in your face, good! Take all that anger and store it. Because you're gonna need it when the time comes. Is that understood?"
"Yes, Sensei!" The students chorused but after Silver walked off Tory and Robby looked at each other unimpressed and knew they would be going behind their Sensei's back.

Sensei Kreese told Tory and Robby to warm up the class whilst he and Silver got ready, hoping that the extra authority would placate them.

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"There are three things that make a champion. The three D's. Desire. Devotion. And discipline." Silver called walking through the lines of student practicing kicks "The first two, I can't give you. The last one, I can, but you have to be willing to receive it. Are you?"
"Yes, Sensei!" Everyone exclaimed.
"All right? Junbi stance. Now, I understand you want to defeat your enemies. And you will, when it matters. Until then, just stay focussed on your training. Is that understood?" Sensei Silver asked stalking along the front row of students like a lion paying particular attention to Tory and Robby.
"Yes, Sensei." The disappointed group of students answered, minus two, who turned their heads to look at each other checking they were on the same page.
"With conviction." Silver demanded.
"Yes, Sensei." Everyone including Tory and Robby repeated.
"Good." He said looking between Tory and Robby as if trying to decipher if they meant it. "Dismissed."

"Second sensei's working us hard today. Guy's going beast mode!" Kyler exclaimed as he, Kenny, Tory and Robby walked over to grab their new Cobra Kai water bottles, courtesy of Terry Silver. "It sucks we can't give a beat down before the tournament."
"Just because we can't fight doesn't mean we can't get a little payback." Robby pointed out. Tory nodded seeing his logic "Soo, what do you have in mind?" She asked him curiously and Robby replied with the smile that he reserved only for her which Kyler and Kenny noticed.

"Not here." Robby said glancing over at the office where Kreese and Silver were in talking. They grabbed their bags and headed outside and away from the windows.

"Kenny, you should go." Robby warned but the young boy wanted to be part of the plan citing that Hawk had personally gone after him. "Oh come on, we need someone with plausible deniability. It's important." Tory said intriguing the young boy. "What's that?" Kenny asked. "It's when someone doesn't know the plan so that if there were to be any questions asked about it they can genuinely say that they don't know anything - it makes it much more believable. So if Sensei Silver or a police officer were to ask you if Robby done something wrong you could protect him as you wouldn't have any knowledge of what he did."
"Okay." Kenny accepted leaving.

Kyler and Robby just looked at Tory "What? I know it's not exactly the legal definition but it got him to leave. I have a younger brother, I know how to negotiate with children." Robby had to stop himself from laughing, thinking that Kenny wouldn't like being referred to as a child. Thankfully, Kyler gave him something else to focus on. "So what's the plan?" He asked.

"Well, we can't gather everyone and do something on a big scale; Sensei Silver will end up getting wind of it."
"Plus, I think some people are afraid of him." Kyler added.
"I'm not." Tory commented. Robby gave her a look that said "I could tell." from when she had challenged Silver over fighting the Miyagi-Do's. However, since his mock fight with Silver the other day Robby couldn't help but think there was something they should be afraid of when it came to their new sensei.
"Anyway, so instead we go after the one person who's caused us all the most trouble."
"Hawk." Tory and Kyler both said in unison.
"I know exactly how to get revenge on him without hitting him. We just need to figure out where he'll be alone."
"You sure it'll be okay?" Tory asked him referring to their probation.
"Oh yeah, we're definitely not going to juvie."
"How do you know?" She asked him.
"Because we're not actually going to do anything." Robby turned to face Kyler "That honour falls to you."

/ /

Kyler had bullied some of the high school geeks into tracking down Hawk's phone and they found an appointment booked in at Rico's Tattoo Parlour.

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The group of Cobras snuck around the back of the shop and entered through the back entrance. Robby opened the door and peered in making sure it was clear first before signalling the other inside. "Okay. Remember the game plan. We need a diversion." Robby said looking around. Suddenly, he spotted one. Moving Kyler out of the way, he and Tory pushed the stack of shelves down. Quickly everyone hid.

Hearing the clatter and bang, Rico left Hawk and went to investigate. Big Red slowly shifted out from his hiding spot and made a run for it causing Rico to assume he was the culprit and chase after him. As soon as Rico was outside, Robby quickly locked the door behind him whistling to signal everyone to come out of hiding.

/ /

Kyler and the two other students they'd brought in on the operation walked in first with Kyler calling "Tattoo shop's closed for the day." Hawk turned around at the familiar voice "Hey." Kyler greeted and Hawk jumped off the table.  "Hold on, where'd you think you're going?" Hawk and the three Cobra Kais fought until they managed to overpower the purple haired boy and pin him down to the table with a karate belt around his neck. "You weren't that hard to find, you little bitch." Meanwhile, Tory and Robby strolled around the shop steering clear of the fight. As Robby walked over to the table to find the tool they needed; Tory crossed behind him to stand in front of Hawk, glaring down at him. "You assholes just ignoring the no-fighting rules?"
"Oh, we're not here to fight." Robby informed him unsheathing the blade and bringing it over. When Hawk saw what was in his hand he begun to thrash around in one last attempt to break free.

Tory helped hold Hawk's thrashing legs down as Robby handed the blade to Kyler.

"Guess you're friends weren't that helpful in watching your back." Tory said reminding Eli of what Demetri said after she told him to watch his back at the end of the failed home invasion.

Once Kyler was done Robby said to Hawk "Look on the bright side you got that stupid haircut fixed after all.

As they walked out of the tattoo parlour, Tory looked around at the tattoo designs on the walls.
"You thinking of getting one?" Robby asked.
"I always think about it but can never think of something that I'd like all my life."
"Hey we should all get cobra tattoos like Senseis Kreese and Silver."  Kyler suggested.
Robby looked at Tory unimpressed "Hmm, we'll see. Maybe after we win the tournament." She told Kyler to keep him happy.

A/n: I can totally picture Robby and Tory with King and Queen tattoos. You know with the nicknames "King Cobra" and "Queen Cobra". They definitely have to feature on a Pinterest/Tumblr mood board for Keenry.

 They definitely have to feature on a Pinterest/Tumblr mood board for Keenry

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