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Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


WHILST Scott and Stiles had returned to the bus for Scott to remember what had occurred the night before, Diana remained at home. "Hey kiddo," Sheriff Stilinksi greeted his eldest as he knocked on her door causing it to open slightly.

Diana smiled at her Dad from where she lay down on her bed; trying to complete her homework. "Hey, Dad."

Noah Stilinksi looked down at Diana and noticed the dark bags under her eyes that she failed to cover with makeup. He sat down on the bed next to her and placed a hand on her back. "Why don't you stay home tomorrow?" He suggested causing her brows to frown at him.

"You look like you're about to drop dead. You can miss one day."

Diana knew her Dad felt guilty that Diana had more responsibility than most teenagers her age; especially since her mother died when she and Stiles were only young. So he probably thought her lack of sleep was from making sure he and Stiles weren't living off takeaway and making sure he actually ate.

Not wanting to argue with him, Diana nodded in agreement with her Dad. Noah smiled down at her before kissing her on the forehead. "Get some sleep," he said before leaving her room; making sure to shut the door behind her.

Following her Dad's advice, Diana moved her books to her desk and went to her bathroom to remove her makeup before dressing for bed which consisted of a baggy t-shirt and black silk shorts. The bandage around her wrist was removed and she put some lotion on the scabs to soothe the itchiness. She turned off her light; plunging her room into darkness before slipping under her covers. Sleep came quickly to her once her head hit her pillow. Diana was so dead asleep that she didn't hear her window opening and a figure stepping into her room later in the night. Derek knew he shouldn't be in her room but logic escaped him as he stared down at the sleeping teen. He saw the wounds he had inflicted on her were healing slowly and guilt flooded his mind as he stared at her wrist. He didn't want to hurt her but her touching him triggered his fight response; even though her touch was gentle. Something he wasn't used to.

The way her eyes glowed red piqued Derek's interest because as far as he knew, the Sheriff's daughter was human. But her eyes didn't glow like a wolf's.

Hearing footsteps outside Diana's room, Derek left through the window as the door to Diana's room opened; the light from the hallway shone into her room. Stiles stopped in his track when he saw Diana was asleep and decided against waking her. He closed the door behind him; the sound of the door closing caused Diana's eyes to slowly flutter open. When she opened her eyes, she saw a red flower laying on her pillow. Her face broke into a small smile before moving the flower to her bedside table so she didn't roll onto it in her sleep.

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