"Five Minutes Love Story"

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Hi my friends, it's been a long time since the last time I updated the short stories in The Fragments.
So here it's come !!!

Of course inspires by Minho's Instagram post yesterday that made us went crazy. Hahaha

Btw my friend, I would like to inform you that now I started my Patreon and KaryaKarsa page and I will share my exclusive stories there.
And for now my story #MUSE chapter 1-10 us available there.
Hope you willing to support me and read my stories.
The link of my Patreon (best for international reader) and KaryaKarsa (it's easier for Indonesian reader) are on my profil, go hit that.

Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

And enjoy this short story!!!

"Five Minutes Love Story"

"Keutt! Okay, we're done for today!"

The photographer of that day's photoshoot for MYM content announced that they're done, and Minho's staff approached him with his jacket.

"What's the results? Is it good?" He asked.

"Yes. You can check it if you want to," said his road manager.

"Aniyo. I trust Jang Hyun Hyung." He said briefly and walked to his waiting room. He greeted and said thank you to the staff who worked hard that day. "Ah, what's the reaction in SNS? Is that still going crazy?"

"Totally chaos, Oppa. Everyone seems to be wondering what happened to you, some are talking about you hinting that you're in love, some said you are just playing with the apps, and the club of MinEun and The King supporters also liked your post to you and GoEun Eonni and The King  A member of his staff who was in charge of lurking on the internet all that evening told him. "They talk so much in your comment section, on Twitter, The DC Gallery, and also Facebook. There's no major news portal to release articles yet, but some minor ones did, talking about are you in a relationship."

And he grinning mischievously, "I told them to interpret my post, and they did well." He laughed and took his phone to text GoEun and went to his changing room to changes his outfit, getting ready to went home.


Almost an hour later, Minho was already home. It was empty as GoEun hadn't arrived yet. She had her own filming for ads and photoshoot schedules of that day and she said she might be late.

Minho was sitting on his couch, few bundle of Ask The Stars drama scripts was on the table in front of him, and he was reading a script in his hand as sometimes he wrote down something on the script.

He stayed in that position until he heard the front door of his home opened by someone. He clicked his pen and then closed the script, put that on the top of the other. And when he tilted up his face, he saw her letting her bags fellon the floor not so far from him.

"Oppa, I'm so tired and hungry." GoEun complained as she walked toward him and threw herself into his arms. "You know what, I barely could eat anything today. Something went rather chaos, some miscommunications, and the mood in the studio was rather unpleasant. I'm craving for spicy tteokbokki." She said all of that as she buried her face into his chest, inhaling the combination of his natural scent, his cologne, and the softener on his t-shirt.

"Should I order very spicy tteokbokki for you?" He asked. He knew she usually needed some spicy dish whenever her mood was rather unpleasant, but she was on her diet as well, so he was not sure if she really would eat that and he also couldn't eat that spicy food, on a diet himself.

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