On Your Birthday

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People say, there are so many coincidences between Min and Eun, to the point that people couldn't count it anymore. And one of the most famous ones was their birthday date.

Even for Goeun, that was also a cute and funny yet beautiful thing that their birthday date combination could be taken as a beautiful angel's number 222. And that was just exactly ten days apart between his birthday and hers.

She was all smiling with her own thoughts when Julian entered her waiting room and informed, “Noona, Minho Hyung is here.”

“Keurae,” she turned to Julian and signed to her girl staff to hand her the box she prepared earlier. They then walked to the parking lot where her van was parked.

At the parking lot, Goeun didn’t went to her van but to another car which almost blocked her own van. She then opened the passenger side door and a smiley face welcomed her.

Goeun rolled down the window and her manager and staff greeted Minho politely.

“Gomawo adeul-a. See you tomorrow morning.” she waved to them.

“Good job for today, guys. I’ll treat you to dinner later.” Minho added.

All the staff and manager beamed and said thankyou as they waved to the car that was slowly moving.

“How’s your day, Baby? Are you tired?” Minho asked when they were already driving on the road. They were actually heading to Minho’s go to salon because his staff and team planned an early birthday party for him there.

“Ne, today’s filming was kinda hectic but overall was fun.” Goeun leaned forward to set the radio and adjust the volume, “How about you, Oppa? Your schedule finished early today.” She noticed that Minho was already wrapped in comfort attire –his signature black shorts and hoodie.

“Yes, I finished a lot earlier than expected. I went home at five, haha. And also managed to hold a simple meeting at the office, brainstorming about the next YouTube video. I miss creating content, but it seems like I have no time for it, at least until next month.”

Goeun nodded as she slightly stretched her body, “Majayo, our schedule is fully packed even until next year. I really wish for a long holiday and I’ll go on vacation. I'm excited that next week I have the chance to go abroad, even though I’ll be busy filming, at least I can enjoy the different atmosphere in Singapore. It’s been years since I didn't traveled outside of Korea.”

“I planned to visit you there if I get enough breaks.”

“Jinjja? That will be great. How about after I finish all the filming there?”

“Keurae. That's a good idea. I’ll arrange it, Baby.”

A while later, Minho turned his car to enter the parking area of the salon as they reached there.

“Kajja, Chagiya.” He told her to get out of the car but she grabbed his hand.

“Wait a minute, Oppa!”

Goeun reached the box she had prepared before from the backseat. She then opened it, placed a candle on the cupcake inside the box, and ignited the light.

“I won’t let anyone else do this first to you.” She smiled and then sang “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, my Minho Oppa. Happy birthday to you.”

Minho was stunned for a while. But then his face beamed. His heart immediately filled with joy and was so warm. He leaned to blow the candle as she waited for that.

“Gomawo, Chagiya.” He kissed her lips deeply. “You’re the best gift from God.”

She beamed, “I know.” She wrapped the cupcake again and told him, “Kajja Oppa, everyone must be waiting for you.”

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