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Nothing really could save me from being stuck in a good afternoon with a sports player, ok correction, a soccer player after having a simple little chat with the Spanish teacher. I didn't even tell my friends where I would be, just telling them I would catch up with them later on. I couldn't avoid this either after a little laugh and a silly little question didn't change anything. I was not pleased hearing I would be stuck waiting for soccer practice to finish or maybe just maybe one of the few students who decided to tease the living hell out of me to come sit right in front of me only to laugh. It would just add more of a reason why they were teasing me in the last year of school. Oh, yeah how that would be fun wouldn't it. However this wouldn't surprise how much I'm lacking. I know many of those kids are wasting their time in this class thinking it would be an easy grade. That clearly wasn't it after opening that textbook on the first full day of class I just sat there staring at all these words. I understood a few hearing it from around, but other than that this was all new to me.

"CJ, come up please" our teacher spoke, shutting the small whispering the other students had going on, giving a simple little wave of his hand "it will be quick."

With a brow raised I got up from my seat staring back at others for a moment. I wondered if the teacher finally took notice that I haven't fully been doing my work and have been filling up another piece of paper right next to me with a few music notes and maybe some doodles. I glanced back and I stopped standing right in front of the teachers desk and there I noticed how many eyes were on us. All these jerks stop to stare watching with curiosity and snickering from one side. I just stood there waiting for him to get done with whatever he was doing, typing away something on his computer as the final bell rang out informing others to leave. At least there won't be eyes on me now. Some of the students however did take their sweet little time collecting their books waiting for anything to show with others oftentimes being the reason why school was hell. With a loud cough from the teacher they dashed out.

With an empty class now my hands shoved in my jean pockets wandering over towards a desk taking a seat right on top "I don't see why you called me up here? If you're upset about the doodle on the desk its pencil comes right out."

'You doodle on my desk?"

"What? No Mr. Lopez, I'm joking" I joked

Mr. Lopez just stared he understood the true answer to that but right now he could push it off the side. He cleared his throat taking a sheet of paper out from his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose "Cj you're rather close to failing my class. I hope you do know you fail this class, your credit will drop and that could stop you from walking."

"Oh I don't plan on walking."

"I think your parents would rather see you walk and I- I don't want to see you here the upcoming school year so I had asked a student to help you out"

I blinked, turning back to the now empty class then back to his teacher "you mean someone in this class? I don't- " I suddenly saw death there waiting for me fearing this would only turn to worse for me. I could hear the laughter and the quote on quote jokes some of the students would throw my way until the end of the year if bad luck was on my side.

Mr. Lopez shook his head taking notice how much I had been tensing up "no Cj not from this class a lot of you kids are ok, but I had asked someone from my advanced class. His name is Joey".

I had heard that name of course there were a couple of students with the same name, however I can point out who he was talking about. He was the top student in the advanced Spanish classes if I could recall which also happens to be one of the top three soccer plays for the school soccer team. At this point I wasn't fully sure what was worse but the players on the soccer team weren't the nicest to me, especially the team leader.

With each tick I became closer and closer to just losing my patience as I was at this point the only one here other than the librarian putting things away getting ready herself to lock the library for the night. I groaned, tossing my pen on the tablet "that's it" standing up not caring at this point "I'm going home. He could fail me for all I care" pushing my papers back in my bag. I wasn't going to waste any more time for a guy who may not even show.

That left me wandering down the halls giving myself some time to waste already sending a message to Jackie asking if he could just pick him up. His hand ran against the metal lockers listening to the soft tapping of the metal then there was a scuff. This made me stop in my tracks thinking I got caught, looking back over my shoulder there at the end of the hall was someone looking around for a second more than forward towards me. With a hand in the air he rushes up towards me catching me a little surprised I wasn't going run it. Ok maybe I was. I noticed he had his sport bag along, still dressed in his soccer uniform.

"wait... I.. just wow... I-" taking a deep breath. He stood straight looking down at me with a soft smile resting on his face. It made his dimples show slightly. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting um; will I'm Joey" he held his hand out for me. I stared at it confused. Was he really asking me to shake? fist dump it? I glanced back at him slapping down on his hand. He pulled his hand back having a little laugh god this is awkward. That was stupid why did I do that?

"I don't know if Mr. Lopez inform you I'm going be the one tutoring you for the final."

With a quick glance around Joey looked like he was only able to get changed in his uniform so show still clean with no smudges yet he was a little sweaty maybe from warm ups. I fixed my bag strap with a sigh and a simple nod.

"Uh huh. He told me it was going to be you, but since you wasted enough of my time" turning around to take my leave.

Joey had rushed in front of me stopping my tracks. He smiles, giving me a nervous laugh "yea no. Look dude sorry but I can't let you leave just yet. I was asked to keep track of how much time we spend on working on the worksheets informing you of your ditching moments when it comes to work."

With a heavy sigh I couldn't really think of anything at the moment to convince Joey let me leave so with a heavy fine I followed him back towards the library that was surprisingly still open my wishes for these heavy doors locked up for the night were not done as he held it open for me letting me the first walk right back in my jail cell. 

Blurry Lines *first draft*Where stories live. Discover now