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yn was taken inside the delivery room.

yn-*moaning in pain*

nurse- hand in there miss, youre going to be okay soon.

yn-aaaa i dont think i can handle this doctor*continues to groan* b-but doctor,.... perhaps will i lose my child due to the accident?even if i die, i cant loose my child. ah, i cant lose my baby no matter what doc, so please save her, i am begging of you*crying*

doctor- ynssi, why are you being negative right now, you neednt think about anything like that okay? ....you see, the moment a child is born, a mother is born too, and to endure this, is to become a great mother, im sure you'll become a great mom, so you must hang in there yn, try to stay as calm as possible, just think about how far you've come, this is not something any human being can do, and you've done this much, this is just as great, so lets continue to do so further on, im sure you'll be able to make it, so please dont worry.


doc-yn did i not tell you? you made it!! its a  babygirl, just as you wished.

doctor places the baby in yn's arms.

yn-in the end,the pain was worth it all*kisses the baby* thank you doctor,for saving my baby.

doc- its my duty to do so, and good luck on being a great parent, i wish you happiness.

yn-thankyou doctor,.... and can i see jungkook now? im sure he's standng all worriedly outside.

doc- ah yes sure, but before that , there was someone who wanted to meet you first, so please meet with them first, i will call in jungkook later.

yn-who's that doctor?

??-its me.

yn-jungkook abeoji?

jk dad-yes, that's me.

yn- why do u want to meet me abeonnim? that too so urgently.

jk dad- i heard its a babygirl, is it?


jk's dad comes near the baby and kisses on its forehead.

jk dad- she's pretty, just like jungkook. she takes after him, after all i guess.

yn- ne, she does take after him. 

jk dad-but as of how things are going on right now, it looks like, she wont get to see her dad for that long.

yn-...wdym by that abeonnim?

jk dad- do u know just how much mess you have created?! he used to lead a happy normal life, the business used to go well too, and now, because of you, he had to go to prison, you even nearly killed him!

yn-k-kill h-him?what do u mean, i dont what you're trying to sayy abeonnim.

jk dad- dont act as if you're innocent,its because of you that he is now on the bad side of a lot of other business and mafia clans.

yn- what did i do ...

jk dad- dont you remember the incident at the supermarket? you surely have no idea how much it has affected our business, and he's also going through a lot of stress because of all this.

yn-..... b-but

jk dad- you have no right to speak right now, i want you to do as i say.

yn- what should i do...

jk dad-leave this country.

yn- huh, leave the country, nega wae?

jk dad-hah, how dare you ask that after causing this huge loss for my company!  i donot want to take anymore risks , so i dont want anymore mess, and for that you must leave, as long as you're here, jungkook will try to protect you, and that'll lead to more problems, do u think it would make any good for me or my son huh?

YOUR COLD MAFIA HUSBAND I JUNGKOOK FFWhere stories live. Discover now