Shes back

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Lizzies pov

I'm back b!%€¿$, and I'm better than ever. That little gnome girl is gonna pay and so is her little girlfriend.  I strut in the doors and everyone runs away in fear- WAIT WHY ISNT ANYONE SCARED, the- there laughing at me. I decided to assert my dominance by garbing someone and throwing them against the wall. Oh yay that worked, anyway I strut in the doors and everyone runs away in fear, except Joel but I dont do anything the him because umm...uh he would be an easy target yes that's totally why not at all because he's hot nope he ugly yeah he's hideous. Anyway i start looking around for little gnome girl and I find her and her friends time for some fun.

Srubs Pov

Im talking to Katherine and Scott about school and stuff when they suddenly look terrified and as tho like Lizzie was standing behind us, which is unlikely bc there's no way her nose healed in time to be back now I mean it's only been a week-

"Im back b!£¿" Lizzie calls

Before I could even process the situation I'm pulled onto the floor and I land on my hands.

"F#€%" i mutter under my breath so that Lizzie doesn't think she had hurt me. I look at my hands and I see there bleeding, I try to stand up and I'm kicked in the back causing me to fall again. Lizzie drags me and practically throws me against a locker  and I know what's about to happen next. I brace myself when

"STOP" jimmy calls " WHAT ARE YOU DOING,

"What she did to me "Lizzie say and as she goes in for the punch, her hand freezes but like literally it gets frozen solid.

"What?.. I can't move my arm"Lizzie complains " UGHH, who- whoever did this they'll pay"

I look around for who did it but I dont  see anyone. I get up while I can just incase the effect isn't permanent, and I run over and hug Katherine. I go to hug Scott when I realise he's looking at his hands still as shocked as when he first saw Lizzie.

"Scott? Hello earth to scott" and I start waving my hand i front of his face to try to get his attention

"I..I.. i did that" Scott says as tho he's just had some sorta vision.

"'Did what" Katherine asks confused

Scott runs off, and we follow him. I'm running as fast as my little legs will let me but Scott's already ran way ahead of us. We sprint after him but he makes into the boys bathroom first and you know me and Katherine are girls. We start to wait outside the bathroom in hopes he'll come out when Jimmy rushes in calling for Scott.

Scott's pov

I...I. Did that. That was me. But it can't, no. I lie down on the bathroom floor and my throat goes dry I lie there shaking having a panic attack when I hear Jimmy call my name.

"SCOTT" I hear jimmy call scared "SCOTT please just let me in, or tell me what happened? Are you ok?"

I try to call out but me throats dry and I can hardly talk or breath. My breaths are short and raspy. I guess Jimmy heard me panting and crawled under the stall door. He sets his hands on me and starts comforting me

"It's ok, im here. Just tell me what it is and we can talk about it"

I start to relax. My breathing goes back to normal the tears and trembling stop. I just lay there for a moment in Jimmys arms before I finally tell him what happened.

" I stopped Lizzie with the ice" I tell Jimmy

"What how?"

" I dont know I guess I just did" I say "but what if she was seriously hurt or stuck forever I could of frozen her heart or"

" no you wouldn't of" Jimmy cuts in "you did the right thing, you saved your friend and that's important"

" SHUBBLE" I had completely frogot about shubble, and her injuries I mean she avoided a broken nose but she was still pushed into a locker.

I rush out and I am immediately embraced by shrub and Katherine. They ask me if I'm alright and what happened. I tell them I'll explain later and that I'm just gonna go ask to be sent home because I think they'll allow me considering the fact I had a panic attack. They say goodbye and lucky I'm sent
Hello, I honestly can't remember how long it was since I last uploaded but I think it was a while so sorry for that.

Also is Fwip dead yet?

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