The new kid

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Scott POV
"Did you hear about that new kid?" Katherine asked me.

"Um... No?" I replied. "Tell me about him,"

Lizzie stole his money and then let him get away, Katherine told me!"

"What!? Without even a bruise!?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's crazy right?" she said.

"But Lizzie normally does so much worse then that!" I said still in shock.

"Yea, I would know..." Katherine sighed. We both fell silent.I felt bad for her... She always gets bullied by Lizzie and no one ever stands up for her.

She always has around fifty bruises, old and new, from being pushed to the ground or into lockers. One tine Lizzie punched her in the face and broke her nose and Lizzie only got a warning! I mean, she literally broke Katherine's nose, she should be getting a detention at least.

"We better get to class, it starts in 5 minutes." Katherine said breaking the silence.

"Yea, we should." I responded.

We had math. I hate math so much- I suck at it, but there are two people in our class who are like human calculators, Gem and Shrub.

Gem is a wizard and shrub is a gnome. I don't really know them that well, but Gem is always hanging out with these two boys and I don't really know who shrub hangs out with.

Anyway, after what felt like an eternity it was over. As me and Katherine were leaving, we were greeted by Lizzie, or Katherine was...

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