I like him i like him not

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Lizzie POV
I don't what's wrong with me but for some reason I feel bad about bulling that Joel kid. I mean he only little and he doesn't really deserve it. When he came to our house yesterday I felt happy and I think I was blushing. WAIT do I like him. Oh no I can't like him if I like him then my whole reputation is out of the window but my reputation is kinda already gone because of that stupid gnome girl but I could probably get it back but not if I like him UGH LIZZIE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HE IS A STUCK UP LOSER AND YOU DONT LIKE HIM. Right? Ughhh I don't know. I mean he could end up like my ex Grain he betrayed me for this boy scar
"Hey grain" Lizzie called "are we still doing that date tonight" "umm about that... yeah I'm breaking up with you" Grain said "ARE YOU KIDING ME" Lizzie screamed "WHO EVEN IS THIS SCAR PERSON ANYWAY" "umm hi I'm scar"Scar said awkwardly "HES A BOY! UGHH IM TO GOOD FOR YOU ANYWAY" Lizzie shouted as she stormed off

Back to present
I'm not going to school today because of my broken nose, but im to go in tomorrow. I'm gonna make that gnomes life hell and Im gonna do the same to that flower girl and blue freak,because according to jimmy there all friends and I plan to end that.(que dramatic DON DON DOoOOoOoOOOn)

Joel POV
Ever since Lizzie was off schools been pretty peaceful and that's the nice way of saying boring. I don't why but I miss her...like always. Am I starting to like like her, but she's a bully she's broke someone's nose plus she a lot older then me and probably thinks year eights are baby's. Which is good? Yes it is because it stops me from for dating a mean bully. Because that's what I want? I don't know anyway I'm gonna try to find Jimmy.

Empires smp high school AU dramaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora