Finding Jean

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"How do you know where we're going Charles? If you can't track her how do you know where she is?" Raven asks as the group is in the jet heading to find Jean after finding out she left.

"You know how." The Professor says.

"What did you do?" Raven asks as she looks at the Professor.

"I protected her." The Professor says.

"From the truth. There's another word for that." Raven says as the Professor stays silent.


As the group gets off the jet where Jean is they soon see her walking towards them.

"You shouldn't have come here." Jean says annoyedly as the she stops a good distance away from the group.

"Why is that? We've only come to bring you home Jean." The Professor says.

"I don't have a home. You made sure of that." Jean says angrily.

"Look your father couldn't handle you and we took you in." The Professor says as he tries to reason with Jean while the group begins to go towards her.

"You told me my father was dead and you used me for my powers." Jean says angrily.

"No that's just not true. That's not what happened. Jean we can help you. I can help you but you have to listen to me." The Professor says as the group stops.

"No. No I don't. Scott. He lied to me Scott. About everything." Jean says angrily as she and Scott take some steps forward.

"We'll figure everything out together. Just come back to me. Remember you said you'd always come back to me. Come back to me. Jean." Scott says as they hear sirens and see police cars.

"Stay away from me. Stay away from me. Stay away from me!" Jean shouts as she attacks the police cars flipping them upside down.

"Stop her quickly!" The Professor says.

"Charles wait wait!" Scott says as the others begin trying to stop Jean. Alexis then shifts to wolf form and runs toward Jean.

"Jean please stop this! We're your friends!" Alexis says as she tries freezing Jean to a wall only for Jean to break loose and send her flying through a window. As Alexis goes to get up she then feels herself picked up and thrown out the window and into Peter nearby.

"You mind to get off? I don't mind having a pretty girl on my lap but you're a bit heavy as a wolf." Peter says as Alexis stands up.

"What happened?" Alexis asks as she rubs her head with her paw.

"What do you think? That sister like friend of yours just threw you into me after she threw you through a window." Peter says as he sits up before Alexis looks over her shoulder and immediately freezes.

"Raven." Alexis says in shock as she sees Jean take off and leave.

"What?" Peter asks as he sees Jean killed Raven as Hank is by Raven's body.

"Jean.. She killed Raven." Alexis says in fear.


"We are all at war at war with ourselves and Raven had been waging that war for most of her life. I hope now she's found peace. Raven died doing what she did best... helping a friend. A friend in need. She is not gone. She lives on through me, through us... and through the spirit of the X-Men." The Professor says as the group is standing outside in the rain under umbrellas surrounding Raven's grave. As the others go inside some kids come up to them.

"Is it true? Jean killed her?" A boy asks as Alexis goes over to the kids.

"Yes sweetie but sometimes.. sometimes people.. they do things they don't mean to. Jean didn't mean to. She would never harm anyone on purpose. It was an accident." Alexis says sadly as Scott comes over.

"She didn't know what she was doing. Jean lost control. But she.. she's still Jean. She's still our friend. We can still help her. We can find her. And bring her home. That's... That's what we're gonna do okay?" Scott asks.

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