First Battle

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"Seventh wonder 12 o'clock." Hank says as they arrive near the pyramids.

"He has the Professor in the center of the pyramid. He's going to transfer his consciousness into the Professor. If he does that he'll have the power to control every mind in the world." Jean says.

"What the hell is that?" Alexis asks as she sees something down below.

"It's Erik. You guys help Nightcrawler get into the pyramid. Get Charles. I'll take care of Erik." Raven says.

"How are you going to get through that?" Hank asks as he looks at the magnetic poles Erik is making with his powers.

"I can get you in there. I came here for him. Let me help you." Peter says as he looks at Raven before she nods.

"The rest of you get Charles on this plane and get him out of here." Raven says sternly.

"We're not leaving without you!" Kurt shouts.

"Don't worry. We'll catch up." Peter says.

"Hold on." Hank says as he lands the jet before everyone gets off and starts walking.

"Hank you go with the kids. Moria will be waiting on the plane." Raven says.

"Wait." Scott says as Raven looks at him.

"What?" Raven asks.

"Not all of us can fully control our powers." Scott says.

"Then don't. You need to embrace them. We all do." Raven says as she reveals her true self before leaving with Peter.


"There's an entrance. It's clear. Kurt. Get in there! In the pyramid. Move! Go!" Hank says as Angel tries attacking the group before going into the pyramid after Kurt as Kurt teleports inside while the others get moving only to get stopped in their tracks by Storm. Storm then throws a car at Hank only for him to throw it back at her as Psylocke arrives and splits the car in half.

"Split them up." Psylocke says as Storm begins attacking the others.

"Find cover!" Alexis shouts as she shifts to wolf form and hides behind a wall as everyone scatters for cover from Storm's attacks before the two groups begin fighting. Just as Alexis is about to fire an ice attack at Storm she quickly halts as Kurt appears in front of her.

"Whoa! It's me!" Kurt shouts.

"Kurt you really need to watch where you teleport at. I about hit you with an attack instead of her." Alexis says.

"Sorry. Work on that later. Hold on." Kurt says as he teleports himself and Alexis where everyone is on the jet.

"Let's go! Lock on." Hank says.

"Here we go." Moria says as the jet takes off.

"What the hell was that?" Alexis asks as they hear thudding before seeing a purple sword being stuck into the jet.

"Kurt. Everyone grab hold of Nightcrawler!" Jean shouts.

"I've never done it with this many people." Kurt says nervously.

"Get us out of here. Kurt hurry! Kurt!" Jean shouts as Kurt then teleports everyone out of the jet as Angel and Psylocke get inside.

"Is he okay?" Scott asks as he sees Kurt is unconscious.

"It's his energy. He's drained." Jean says.

"No. Get out. Get... Get out!" The Professor shouts as he freaks out.

"Professor. Professor it's okay. You're with us. It's okay." Jean says as the Professor looks at the group.


"Charlies! Show yourself!" Apocalypse shouts from outside as the group is tending to Kurt and the Professor.

"Peter. Raven." The Professor says as everyone looks at him.

"I'm going out there." Hank says as he begins to leave.

"I'm going with you." Scott says as he gets up prepared to follow.

"No. It's me he wants." The Professor says as he tries to sit up.

"Charles you can't give yourself up. If he has you he has us all. The whole world." Moria says as Apocalypse continues to shout for the Professor.

"No. He was right. There is still some part of me connected to him. I can get inside his head." The Professor says as he lays down. The others watch as the Professor begins fighting with Apocalypse inside his mind before a wall disappears. The group then watches in fear as Apocalypse begins to go towards them.

"You betray me?" Apocalypse asks as Erik puts two beams in the shape of an X between Apocalypse and the group.

"No. I betrayed them." Erik says as he begins attacking Apocalypse.

"Let's jump." Hank says.

"What?" Scott asks as he jumps with Hank while Alexis begins repelling any debris or attacks due to the open wall.

"Jean. Help... Me." The Professor says weakly.

"They can't stop him." Moria says sadly as she watches Hank, Erik, and Scott battling with Apocalypse.

"What do we do?" Alexis asks worriedly.

"Jean. Help me! You will never win. Because you are alone. And I am not! Let ... go. Unleash your power Jean. No fear. Unleash your power! Let go Jean! Jean let go!" The Professor says.

"Jean what the hell!?" Alexis asks as Jean walks past her and off the edge as she continues to walk as if walking on air before Jean begins attacking Apocalypse along with others joining in her attack.

"Charles! Charles! We've lost him!" Moria shouts as everyone comes over after Apocalypse is defeated.

"Charles." Hank says.

"He's gone." Moria says sadly as everyone but Jean gives a sad look.

"No Charles. Charles..." Hank says sadly.

"No he's not. I can still feel him." Jean says as she goes over and heals one of the Professor's wounds.

"Thank you Jean." The Professor says as he smiles.

"Charles? Charles do you know where you are?" Moria asks.

"I'm on a beach. In Cuba. With you." The Professor says.

"What beach?" Moria asks as the Professor places his hand on her cheek giving her back memories.

"I'm sorry. I should never have taken those from you." The Professor says.

"Hold on! What did I miss?" Kurt asks as he wakes up.

"I'll explain to you later." Alexis says as she smiles happily seeing Kurt is alright.

Differences Don't Matter X-Men Kurt Wagner X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now