Meeting Kurt

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A/N: This book will have X-Men Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix but will be starting with the Apocalypse movie. It is starting with Apocalypse.

"You can see." Jean says as she and Alexis are sitting under a tree as Scott comes over with some ruby shaded glasses.

"Yeah. It's not as bad as I thought here." Scott says as some kids give some hurtful comments.

"Don't listen to them." Alexis says as she looks at Jean.

"They're still scared of me. Hey I have special glasses now!" Scott says.

"They're not scared of you they're scared of me. You're not the only one who can't fully control your powers." Jean says annoyedly.

"Wait so... Last night when the house shook... That was you?" Scott asks.

"Sorry to break it to you but you are not the biggest freak of this school." Jean says as Alexis looks at her.

"Well. That's a first." Scott says in slight relief.

"Alexis here is the only person who doesn't see me as a freak but she has powers of her own as well." Jean says as Scott looks at Alexis.

"You do?" Scott asks curiously.

"Yeah. Elemental abilities and wolf shifter." Alexis says bluntly.

"Do you.. um.." Scott asks nervously.

"Have control of them? For the most part yes. My aggressive wolf nature and temper don't always mix when I'm angry. So I can tend to shift and left my anger do the talking with my powers. But unlike the rest of you my powers are family related not so much odd ball of the family." Alexis says.

"So your entire family has powers like you?" Scott asks.

"We can all shift into humans due being born wolves but I was the only one born with more than one elemental capability. Due to that it costed me my family because others saw me as dangerous and a threat for being different." Alexis says.

"I'm sorry about that." Scott says sympathetically.

"Don't be. I don't want anyone pitying me. I've taken care of myself most of my life. The only reason I really agreed to come to this school when I met the professor is because he thought it would benefit me to better control myself." Alexis says coldly.

"Cold much?" Scott asks.

"Don't mind her attitude. She can be a little cold when she first meets you. It takes a bit to get her trust to you." Jean says as Alexis looks at her.

"I don't need you to speak for me Jean." Alexis says.

"Just like you don't always have to stick up for me?" Jean asks as Alexis playfully rolls her eyes.

"Touche. You win. I'm going to go talk to the professor. Nice to meet you Scott and welcome to the school." Alexis says as she walks off.


"Professor I was wondering if- Oh.. You have company." Alexis says as she finds the professor in a room with a blue skinned boy and Raven.

"It's alright Alexis. What were you going to ask?" The professor asks.

"I was curious if you'd let me go for a run off the grounds. I haven't been able to stretch my legs real well in a while and wanted to see if it was okay." Alexis says as she comes into the room.

"I would prefer you to stay at the school for now." The professor says as Alexis gives a disappointed look.

"Yes sir." Alexis says as she goes to leave.

"But I do have something you can do. Alexis I want you to meet our new student Kurt Wagner." The professor says as Alexis looks at the blue skinned boy.

"Uh hello. I'm blue." The boy says nervously before smiling.

"I can see that." Alexis says.

"Alexis I would like for you to show Kurt around." The professor says as Alexis looks at him before at Kurt.

"A-Alright. Come on then." Alexis says as she gestures for Kurt to follow.


"Thank you for showing me around Ally." Kurt says as he is walking with Alexis near the trees.

"It's Alexis." Alexis says slightly defensive.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Well my name is Kurt Wagner. I'm otherwise known as Nightcrawler. This is my first time here and I'm really glad that you are showing me around. I can't wait to-" Kurt then gets cut off by Alexis.

"Look not to be rude but I wouldn't be so happy about hanging around me. I'm not the most popular girl at the school and I don't take extremely well to people I just met. I'm not too keen on just giving my trust out." Alexis says as she stops near a tree.

"Sorry. Is it something I said? I can leave you alone." Kurt says slightly hurt as Alexis sighs in guilt.

"Sorry. Look I'm just a bit nontrusting due to my last issues. I have very few friends at this school and I don't always know how to react to someone being so happy like this around me. It's nothing against you. It's just because of how I was treated in my past. So don't take it to heart. I'm sure you're a nice guy but-" Alexis then gets cut off by Kurt.

"I need to earn your trust a bit first before you really feel comfortable around me?" Kurt asks as Alexis nods.

"To put it simply yes. Even then I don't really see why anyone wants around me any way." Alexis says as Kurt goes over to her.

"I don't see why you think that. I mean you seem really nice to me." Kurt says as Alexis looks at him in surprise.

"Oh um.. thank you." Alexis says kindly.

"I'm just excited where I have never really had friends before. And if it will make you more comfortable I'll back off a bit on the excitedness." Kurt says as Alexis looks at him shocked.

"You think we're friends?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Well I just assumed since you haven't took off or freak yet.. I'm sorry." Kurt says as Alexis smiles at him softly.

"No don't apologise. It's fine. I just didn't expect you to take a liking to me. I apologise for my rudeness. I'll try to keep it in check." Alexis says as Kurt smiles.

"So would you want to be friends?" Kurt asks.

"Alright. Sure. Kurt Wagner right?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"Yeah." Kurt says as he smiles.

"Well I'm Alexis Hathaway. I'm also called Eclipsa." Alexis says.

"Why Eclipsa?" Kurt asks as Alexis shifts to wolf form.

"This is why." Alexis says as she then turns a nearby flower into an ice flower.

"Cool! I've never met anyone who can turn into a wolf like that. Or that has elemental abilities." Kurt says in amazement as Alexis looks up at him.

"You're the first to think that. Just don't piss me off. I can get out of control a bit when I lose my temper which is why I'm here." Alexis says as she shifts back to human form.

"Well I still think it's cool. So is there any place to eat at near here? I'm sorry. I haven't ate anything since yesterday morning." Kurt says as Alexis chuckles slightly.

"Sure. I can make us a couple burgers. Follow me." Alexis says as she smiles kindly as Kurt follows after her.

Differences Don't Matter X-Men Kurt Wagner X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now