Your Excuses [Letter]

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Dear A.W.,
Thinking of you tonight...again. And I've been thinking... several of your "reasons"-- excuses more like just don't apply as to why you treated me like shit. 1.) "You're obsessed with me"? I was obsessed with one other man, on top of having an obsessive crush on him for maybe 3 and a half years... I am still good friends with him after almost eight years... 2.) "I am really busy right now." That excuse is so old and kind of lame, I understand busy, but any true friend would make an effort to help in spite of that... the same fella I just spoke about tries to spare moments and if he can't he says to send the message and he'll get back to me and he has TWO jobs as an EMT, goes to medical college, barely gets one moment of sleep... 3.) and the whole demon thing and that battle hardening trash you talk about? The friend who is an EMT has seen things face to face that you could only dream of... and yet he doesn't treat me like shit... Bottom line, sir, is this; you never really were a friend... After I had sacrificed so much to stand by you when I was being ripped apart for that by people who I loved, did that escape your notice? I wonder if I should've listened to Theresa or Kindy or the other folks to just stop talking to you... Me and my big heart shall always be my bane. I was trying to connect with you. I was trying to be there... But I feel use and betrayed cuz of how you treated me! And it's all my fault? No... You hold some of the blame too. I forgive you and pray a blessing over you. But my heart still aches after that...

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