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The Rockies, Colorado

Percy POV

Spencer and I emerged from the tunnel to a very harsh wind our hooded cloaks blowing furiously with the wind. It was freezing thank the Fates it wasn't snowing though, minus the weather at the moment it was breathtaking, the snowcapped mountains and the view from where we were standing, if it weren't for our current situation, I could've stood there for eternity, but we pressed forward against the harsh winds. I looked back at Spencer and yelled " We should only be at least another mile out from the Rendezvous point!" 

While looking back at Spencer I saw a gleam of silver shoot past my face and landing in the snow between the two of us, Spencer and I being in situations like this before immediately stood back-to-back I brandished Riptide Spencer stood with his shield up in a defensive stance.

I cracked a smile. " Is that how we treat our Friends Artemis!?" lowering my sword, Spencer keeping his guard up can't say I blame him Artemis and Thalia can still be very.... Temperamental, the two huntresses dropped from separate trees the wind had finally, started to calm down. 

"It's good to see you both how have you been?" I asked, the huntress looked at Thalia and back at me with a very upsetting look on her face. " Not well, but I'm sure the outsiders have encountered the same issues we have been, luckily we had Apollo get the rest of the hunt to the base in the Sea of Monsters." 

"Well, I know for one this hunt should be fun." Spencer said, Thalia looked at him confused " A hunt?" Spencer looked at Artemis " You haven't told her?" he looked back at Thalia " Milady what are we hunting?' she was getting impatient at this point, Artemis put a hand on her shoulder and said, " We are going to track down a certain person one you are familiar with, a certain Demi titan." 

"Oh, good cause I'm going to kill him when I see that Asshat." she said calmly, I looked at her and said, "You can kill him after we win this war." she nodded " I won't kill him I'll probably tear his other arm off though." Spencer laughed.  

" Well, does anyone know of any leads on where he was at recently." asked Artemis while she pulled an arrow out of her quiver to inspect." Spencer let out a heavy sigh. " Okay so from the last kid we had rescued a few days ago he had encountered Roger out in some forest in central Florida." I looked at Spencer " You don't think he is at- " " Yes i think that's exactly where he is hiding out at." the son of Heracles interrupted. "Alright then we are headed to Florida. We will take the tunnels."


We had been walking for what seemed like hours, but Spencer and I are very sure that this information we have is accurate, it all fits kids' demigod and human alike showing up randomly at the transport to the SOM (I got tired of typing out Sea of monsters, so we are calling it SOM now.) I mean plus there is only one guy I know with a metal arm with a cannon hidden in it who carries a sword that's larger than his body. We made it to our destination and stepped out of the tunnel we were in a forest and there was a clearing with an old house that was delipidated, it was Roger's grandparents' house they had passed away when the house was struck by lightning and caught on fire, they were asleep the fire was put out, but they suffocated. Perfect place for a hide out. We did not want to barge in because we had no idea if the place had traps or not, we all decided to stake out the house from the woods. All of us took a position on each side of the house, Artemis took the North, Thalia took the West, Spencer took the East, and the left me with the South. 

We had sat there for a long time I started to think this was a bust, then out of the corner of my eye I saw a Silhouette come through the tree line it started raining and the wind picked up the shadow got about 20 feet from where I was positioned the wind blew his up and I saw the shine of his metal arm, the wide black blade was sticking out the bottom of his cloak. No doubt we had found him I sent a signal to Spencer, and he notified the others, I waited till he was closer to the house so I could follow his steps not to set off any traps if there were any.  

I got within 10 feet of him " How long did you think you could hide from me Roger?" then Spencer, Artemis, and Thalia joined me.

" What are you doing here? what did I tell you would happen the last time you came looking for me again?" things were getting really tense i did not like where this was going Spencer was sweating, he was nervous cause he knew what was going to happen.

" You made an Oath to me, and you need to fulfill it no more running!" i yelled at him 

"To hell with you and your oath!" he screamed back taking his hood down his hair was shoulder length now and curly, the anger in his face was unsettling " Look at where your oath has gotten us, look at what this has costed us, Caleb is Dead and Mikey was crippled because of your Oath!" 

"They knew the Ri- " THEY WERE OUR FRIENDS!" he interrupted.

"I told you the next time you came to find me you'd have to kill me, and my mind hasn't changed since then." he dropped his cloak and drew his sword on me. " You are going to make me fight you aren't you." he sat there staring at me with his stone-cold expression, I nodded " Artemis keep Spencer and Thalia out of this."

" No, I am not letting you two do this to each other, we don't need any more of this we need your help, Roger." 

" IM NOT GOING!" he protested. Artemis and Thalia tackled Spencer to the ground and i tell you wrestling a son of Heracles to the ground not easy. 

I drew Riptide. "I'm not going to kill you but if I have to, I will beat you to the point you agree to come with me." the silence that overtook the clearing was deafening.

he charged at me swinging his sword downward I dodged it easily Hes fast even with that large sword, but I am faster I slashed at the gaps in his armor he rolled away from me as a chased after him he grabbed some sand and threw it in my face it worked for a second, but I jumped backwards as he tried to cleave with his blade he was already breathing heavy , no doubt even with his powers it had to be too much to handle all that weight and armor. plus, he did not look well-nourished at all like he was running on his willpower he going to have to give out at any minute I'll have to wait it out with every swing he could see the fatigue taking hold of his old friend swords clanged he shoulder tackled me and knocked to the ground and he hefted his sword over his head and was about to go for a killing blow,  when a silver tip appeared out of his chest he dropped his sword behind him , and looked at his chest and he looked behind him Artemis and Thalia were knocked on the ground and the son of Heracles had a silver bow in his hand I got on my feet and Roger fell to one knee. eventually he fell face down in the grass.

I started to panic I looked at Spencer "Spencer what did you do!?"

Spencer looked at me in a state of shock " I- I don't know he was going to hurt you Percy, I just blacked it all happened so fast!" 

Spencer started to freak out I went to Roger and broke the back of the arrow out and rolled him over. "We need to get him healed quickly let's get him inside."  Artemis and Thalia were now up and came over to the Roger. Thalia had tears in her eyes, Spencer and I got him in the house to provide him some first Aid " Artemis can you get Apollo here?" she nodded.


Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I am going to try to an update the story once during the weekdays and at least once on the weekend. Chapters may be shorter but I'm trying to deliver a story with more quality rather than quantity , less is more sometimes guys. 

Till next time -Rook

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