A new family

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Percy POV

I watched the interaction between the four men and I have to say I am impressed with how much they care for one another , one wanted to sacrifice himself so they would have a chance but instead the other decided if they were gonna go they would do fighting side by side  like family does .

Spencer POV
I guess we are really fighting this ugly bitch , not how I wanted to spend a Friday night , I'd rather be chilling in the hot tub at my step dads but I couldn't let Rog just go off on his own , I may be the youngest in the gang but I'm very protective of my friends were they go I go , simple as that .

Mikey POV
I'm about to die , I'm so scared but i can't fathom watching my friends die while I act like a total coward , I'll think of a plan hopefully we can kill whatever the hell this thing is .

Caleb POV
Well shit , I just graduated from the police academy a week ago and now I'm gonna get eaten by an ugly two headed dog with a serpent for a tail , Spencer look at me and us not having any logical idea did what any person would we just charged at the beast .

I look to my right and see Spencer and Caleb just run  at the beast caleb going left and Spencer going right , so I picked up rocks and started throwing them at the two heads as hard as I could to distract it so the others could get a hit on it .

Mikey POV
I sat back and was looking at the beast trying to see if there was any weakness and I figured it out pretty fast , it has basically 3 heads but it only defend itself on two fronts , the two heads in the front can only defend towards the front , the serpent tail can be distracted by two people while one person distracts the two heads at the front I saw a palm prawn I went too it and broke of 4 sticks and got my pocket knife out and sharpened each one and I ran to the Rog and Spencer and gave each one a stick and I through the other to caleb "Caleb get behind it and distract its tail you are the fastest out of all , Spencer distract one of its head  I'll distract the other head , Rog you are the smallest so when you see the opening go for it , he can't handle more the 3 opponents ."

With that Spencer took on the right head and we jabbed our improvised weapons at its ugly heads , I got the left heads eye on the first strike while stuck the straight in it's throat , then Spencer did the dumbest thing I've ever seen him do he wrapped the beast in a headlock and proceeded to choke it out , how the hell is that possible ?! No person should be capable of strength that great it's unheard of !

Caleb POV

I now had the undivided attention of the tail I was dodging constantly until finally I jabbed the prawn into the tails mouth and it went through the roof of its head , but it didn't die so I just tried too keep it immobilized for as long as I could ? 


I walked around and I saw Spencer holding one of the beasts heads in a head lock 'WTF !!!' I shook my head never mind I need too focus I had to stab it where it's heart was I had to wait until the leg on the front right side moved forward just a tad so I could hit the mark  I waited for another minute or two , and I saw the leg move forward , 'NOW!!!' I thought to myself I charged in as fast as I could run and ran the makeshift weapon into its heart , it roared in pain and struggled for about a minute and fell over .

Percy POV
Impressive but I think I've sat out long enough it won't be long before the monster gets back up so I jumped from my perch uncapped Riptide and stabbed the monster in the chest and it turned to dust the Guys looked at me wearily with their improvised spears pointed at me " Relax guys I'm here to help you , I know you must have a lot of questions to ask but I have to get you too a safer place , everyone hold hands for a brief second. " I held out both my hands two grabbed my hands while the others grabbed my wrists , I flashed us too a courtyard of heroes on Olympus . I started explaining Greek mythology and the gods and how that they weren't myths and that the reason they were being chased was because of their scent ,  I told them about the group of males I was forming and what the point was behind it and they all seem to agree and wanted , I told the mortal Mikey that he was clear sighted but he has know seen to much and that if he doesn't  join my group he will not see his friends again they would dump him on the River Lethe and wipe his memory he was already on boat to join anyways .

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