Ever long

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time skip 4 Years since the fall of Mons.

Percy POV 

I wake up with my head on the desk in my tent, I got up out of my chair and put a heavy fur cloak on and made my way outside it was another cold December morning in Yukon, Canada. I looked out at the tent city and all the cold crestfallen faces of my men I could see the despair on their faces. To go from living in a city in a cozy mountain to living like fugitives on the run, I wish I could do more. 

" How did it come to this?" I said to myself.

4 years .... It had been 4 years since the fall of our home Mons 4 years since the death of my friend Caleb a lot has happened since then, Zeus's betrayal caused more damage to our way of life than we had anticipated. Camp Jupiter was the second target that our enemies had attacked the once booming city was now reduced to ruins and ash, Marcus the successor of Kronos saw to its destruction, that wasn't even the worst of it Camp half-blood was turned into a crater during a siege that happened a few months after Calebs funeral but that was the first of many morale breaking losses, during the siege Mikey was crippled when a cyclops grabbed him and slammed him against a tree it broke his spine and he couldn't use his legs anymore, Spencer is still here he has been the most help,  We severed the connection of Olympus from the empire state building  we meet their on occasion for any updates but we have been forced into hiding , currently we have found refuge in Canada who knows how long this will last either we are being hunted, I have lost most of my Outsiders the great brotherhood I forged is on the brink of obliteration, I only have about twenty of them left, and with Roger not being seen in 3 years it has not been easy for any of us.

I hear occasional rumors from stray demigods that get sent to us of a warrior with a long sword and metal arm along their journey to find us, I have to say at least he seems alive but i cannot worry about him right now. I have the lives of two camps, a band of huntresses, and my allies on my shoulders we set up a base in the on Circes's island in the Sea of Monsters, that is where the legacies, young demigods, young hunters, outsiders, and our wounded are. The loss of support from minor gods has not been good either though I understand some of them for instance Hecate had to defect to oversee some issues in Scotland something about a school for witches and wizards, I had heard a story from her in the 90s about a battle at the school, I don't remember most of the details mainly because of all that's going on right now.

I couldn't count on most of the Olympian council I only had Artemis, Hermes and Ares in my corner, I was rather surprised that Ares stuck around when i had asked him why he stayed to fight with us he said, and I quote " I like to cheer for the underdog."

My father had to go and protect his kingdom, so we were not going to be getting his support. Hades has to deal with his duties in the underworld and I guess the battles that keep happening her on the surface world do not help ease his affairs.

I was brought out of thought by a hand on my shoulder, I turned, and it was Spencer with a concerned look on his face he stood side by side with me overlooking the men by the fire now making their breakfast. 

" We have lost so much " he said in a grim tone.

" I do not know what to do anymore Spencer we cannot live like this anymore jumping every time the wind blows. What do we do?"   i looked to him for some sort of advice.

" The only thing we can do is survive, have you heard anything from the other gods?" he asked. 

I shook my head. " Artemis is not happy with me since I called off our romance and her hunters are not exactly thrilled with my decision to keep them as far apart from each other as possible, Hermes will only contact me if we have a demigod or a possible member joining us."

"Damnit, Percy we need to either pack the rest of our men and send them to the Sea of monsters or we have to make a move on them, things are only going to get worse if we don't act...." he stated.

I could hear the frustration in his voice, and he was right we were running out of places to hide, our safe houses were all comprised by the enemy. The only way that this is going to end is with our surrender or we flee to the sea of monsters.

" I wish Roger was here Spencer ..." I said looking at the ground.

" Screw him dude when we needed him the most, he ditched us when things got bad, he took off what kind of friend does that?" he said his face contorted in anger. " If he wants to go out and get himself killed on his crusade of vengeance that's on him, I don't care we needed him, and he left us behind!"

" I know you're angry with him, but we could use the manpower. " i said with him nodding in agreement.

" Well, why don't we find him i mean it isn't like we do not know a goddess who is skilled in tracking and hunting." he replied. 

" I am unsure if Artemis would help, plus what do we do with the people we have right now?" I asked him.

" Send them to the sea of monsters, make it just a small group of course I'm coming with you that's not going to change."  he looked at me. 

"Okay then, you get a hold of Mikey tell him you are sending the rest of our men to the island, tell the rest of the outsiders to pack all their belongings after breakfast, I will contact Artemis and see if she will agree to help us track down Roger." I looked at the son of Heracles and he smiled and spoke. " You got it boss!"

I went back into my tent and contacted Artemis through IM, when she saw my face, hers turned to one of displeasure. 

" Perseus been a while since you last spoke to me, what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm she really did not look amused with me. 

I gulped I was very anxious. " I really need your help tracking someone down Artemis I know its rude after everything that has happened for me to ask anything of you, but I need help finding Roger... "

She looked at me studying my face it was quiet for a good 5 minutes before she answered.

"Yes, I will help you, but we have to talk after this is all over, I am not happy with you and with you and the way you have led our people since the camps fell, but that is a discussion for another time, we have a war to win, but I am going to have to send the hunters to the Sea of monsters, I can't leave even my best hunters alone anymore, I will arrange it with Apollo to take them there ." i shook my head to her response.

" By the way Percy, I will be taking Thalia with me I imagine she is dying to get her hands on Roger after his little vanishing act.' I smiled back at her. " As long as she lets him keep his other arm, I am fine with her coming Spencer, and I will meet you at your camp."

When the IM faded away, I walked back outside to see the camp already packed up and the outsiders, moving into the tunnels Spencer had told me he got in contact with Poseidon to get them transport to the Sea of monsters on an old pirate ship, my father said it was all he could do at this time. 

Spencer and I took to the underground to travel to where the hunters would have been camped out, somewhere in the Rockies, I think.


Well i hope yall enjoy this part of the story i added - Rook

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