Ya done Goofed Campers

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Percy's POV

"Well we need to set up for he ceremony for making you an Olympian Percy , Hermes go round up Camp Jupiter and Camp half blood , Artemis father your Huntresses and Hera get the Amazons  , Aphrodite take Percy and get him into the proper attire for this occasion." Zeus commanded

Aphrodite looked like she had just went too an Ed Sheeran Concert because she was giggling and squealing as she approached me and linked  her arm in mine and dragged me towards her palace , ' Oh hell' I thought to myself , ( I try not to say Hades because I have a lot of respect for my dear ole uncle , so I just say hell .)  As we got closer to The love goddess's palace which was a mixture of pink and and chrome , I almost vomited it looked like a 5 year just threw mixture of melted crowns at a canvas and said it was art and her parents felt bad for her and put it on the fridge to make her happy , she opened the door and said " you wanna have a lil bit of - "

"NO!!!" I interrupted

Aphrodite was always annoying as hell always looking at me lustfully , in all honesty she just makes me uncomfortable not to mention she kinda ruined my love life , so yeah screw that . She put her lips out like she was pouting and said " oh well I'll get what I want eventually" " you most certainly will not " I quickly said .

She took me upstairs to her closet which was the size of  a doomsday shelter and she looked for about 20 minutes til she found a Raven black chiton  with a Sea green strip that ran from the shoulder diagonally  too the top of my ribs all the way around and a sea green strip at the bottom just above knee level she sat down and waited  for me to dress .


" well what are you waiting for get dressed ."

" Could I be afforded some privacy ? I mean you make me highly uncomfortable as it is do you think I want you to be around me when I undress myself ?!"

She huffed as she left the huge wardrobe ' Jesus these women are gonna drive me damn near insane ' I thought

I got the chiton on and put on the old Greek sandals she had left me and sighed " welp this should be entertaining to say the least .

Time skip
An hour later

I stood at the back of the throne room everyone was here and I mean everybody from the douchiest  minor god cough* Heracles cough* to the weakest amazon , I saw my old friends at the front with a egotistic stature , and the The king of Olympus cleared his throat .

" Campers , Huntresses , Warriors , Gods , we are here too bring in the 15th Olympian , to the council this Hero has done a lot for Olympus , the World itself and the Camps  , in his short life he has shown what it truly means to be A hero." ( That's totally not a My hero Academia reference )  

Then suddenly the egotistical douche bag spoke " Of coarse it's gotta be me I mean I'm the greatest demigod to ever live they'd be stupid not to make me an Olympian " Donavan so Arrogantly said .

Donavan was the most odd looking son of Zeus I'd ever seen he had gunmetal blue eyes , he was like 5'7 , he had a forehead you could put advertisements on it , he was like mega mind but short and not very smart and arrogant , he had a wide nose and sickly white skin , like he looked like smelly Gabe had inter coarse with a dumpster and he was the best possible outcome to be born of the action .

" Perseus Achilles Jackson step forward !" Zeus thundered

It got dead  quiet you could here a pin drop , there was an aisle about 10ft wide parting the two crowds in the center I walked through the center of the crowd met with glares , and some looks of admiration and the I reached the center of the council and and bowed .

" Perseus , We offer you godhood and a seat on the Council do you accept ?"

" I accept Lord Zeus ."

The gods all changed in Ancient Greek and a beam of light shot from  each god hitting me in the chest like a Semi truck , it felt like my insides where on fire , I thought I was dying  , the process only took 5 minutes but It felt like hours , I could describe at everyone of my cells being destroyed simultaneously while being kicked in the shin with a steel boot , after it finally stopped  The Fates made their appearance and gave me my domains

" All hail Perseus Achilles Jackson  God of  Time , swordsmanship ,Loyalty ,betrayal , Pegasus , Earth , and Bachelors , your symbol of power is Riptide , and your sacred animal is the Pegasus ." The three decrepit women  said

The a thrown appeared at the end of the Council it's was Raven back with a gold trim it had  Riptide engraved on the fronts of the armrests , and right about my head there was A clock in the center , I grew too my full height and sat upon my thrown , and looked down at my old friends all staring at me with a mixture of fear , astonishment  , and jealousy .

Annabeth went to speak " Percy -"

" SHUT YOUR MOUTH !!! Anyone who betrayed me at Camp Half Blood has no right to call me "Percy" anymore only my friends call me that which none of you are , you abandoned me for that sorry sack shit with a forehead 1/4th the size of a skyscraper , and now that I'm an olympian you wanna be my friend ,I don't have time for Fakes like any of you , you are worms beneath me and it's not because I'm an Olympian it's because you'll sell out the people you "Love " for personal gain something I can't and won't bring myself to do , YOU DISGUST ME !! " the room was shaking after I lost my temper everyone one was looking at me scared of what I might do because of their mistreatment of  me , lady Hestia  came to me and put her hand on my shoulder and whispered soft words into my ear to calm me down . " Im sorry  I lost my temper Council , I've been through enough recently , on to the next task ." I said

With that Hermes had escorted the Throne rooms  audience out before I went postal and started destroying everything .

" Who will you chose to fill the 16th seat in the council Perseus ? " Poseidon asked , Zeus looked at my dad annoyed because he wanted to listen to his own voice .

I though about who would be the best Goddess to put on the council ......

" I would like Nemesis to be put on the Olympian Council ." I stated smiling  


Well what did you guys think ?
I might stick to Percy staying single because it's pretty funny watching him curve women , also Percy's outsiders  will be filled with OCs only , so if anybody wants to recommend a character that'd be cool I already have his first two companions planned out so , well review Critic and share .

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