12. Semi-mutual benefit agreement

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Wednesday, 12th May 1976. 1 day until the full moon.

Hearing that Sirius had snuck into the Ravenclaw common room as Padfoot had been the ice breaker Remus was desperately waiting for. Really, his friends' plan had been so ridiculously brilliant, Remus couldn't help to ask what the hell had they been thinking. The nosy in him won that battle.

It turned out, Padfoot followed Maverick all the way from the Quidditch tents to find out what their plans for the final match were. Remus hoped Maverick was smart enough to not share his tactics with the enemy team, but he also knew he had a soft spot for dogs. So the plan was ridiculous, but great at the same time, because now Gryffindor had an advantage.

That morning, he walked with Lily to the Gryffindor table, unaware he should have been walking in the other direction. He ended up standing next to James, Peter and Sirius. One look at James' face, almost expectant, was enough for him to take the seat next to him and Lily. He joined them for the rest of the day, yet he didn't engage much out of self respect.

And later that evening, he had kissed Judson. But he wasn't ready to think about that yet. He had some pressing matters to worry about first, like the fact he was turning into a wolf in less than a day and twelve hours.

The classroom's door abruptly opening made Remus a bit dizzy, bringing him back to reality.

"Am I late?" The boy who had just bursted open the door dramatically yelled, waiting for anyone inside to respond. The teacher turned around, smiling as she finished drawing the last rune on the board.

"Not at all, Ogden," she answered, and pointed to the rest of the class, "take a seat."

She hadn't even finished her sentence that Judson was already taking his usual spot in between Juniper and him. Remus searched for his eyes as Judson unloaded everything from his bag, waiting patiently until he looked back at him. Once his stuff was organised on the desk, Judson sighed, and when he felt the weight of Remus' eyes, he turned briefly with a smile. But as if a bucket of ice was tossed to him, he turned again, cheeks tinted crimson.

"Hi," he said. It was kind of cute, Remus thought.

"What an entrance you just did," Remus pointed out, biting back a smile as Judson chuckled and fixed the hat on his head to hide how he was turning even more red, if that was possible. He didn't have a chance to answer, for the class had already started—which Remus had a feeling neither of them could pay any attention to.

The three of them exited the classroom last, all because Judson wanted to ask some extra questions. Out of habit, Juniper and Remus waited for him, as they talked and put away their stuff giving him more time with the professor.

Juniper elbowed him as they crossed the door. Remus sensed her tense next to him, and when he followed her gaze, he knew why: Sirius was waiting from afar, at the other end of the hall. Juniper hadn't been talking to Sirius ever since the incident, but Sirius wasn't looking at her at all. His eyes were on Remus, watching him almost pleadingly. They held each other with their gaze for a while, until it turned almost unbearable and Remus had to look away. But when he turned to Juniper, she was already far, pushing Judson by the shoulders.

Cautiously, Sirius walked towards him. Remus stood in his spot, not darting his eyes away, even when the urge to look somewhere else was kicking hard on his gut.

"Remus," Sirius said once he reached his side. He exhaled deeply. "Can we talk?"

Remus thought about it for a bit, then nodded. He instantly noticed how Sirius' heart started beating faster.

"We should go somewhere private then," he suggested.

Remus nodded again, and they walked together by themselves for the first time in months.

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