8. The casualties of an open book, through a punch

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Saturday, 13th March 1976. 2 days until the full moon.

Was there anything Remus Lupin wasn't perfect for? Every day spent with him showed Judson no reasons to believe otherwise. Open-minded, unintentionally funny—when he wasn't attempting, or else Remus was hilarious—, great to have long and extremely detailed debates, an amazing taste in music. Judson couldn't have asked for anything better.

Except to kiss him senseless for at least ten minutes straight. That would have been better.

The cold was wearing off with each passing day, but it still persisted. Judson wondered why they kept deciding to hang out in the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest in such conditions when the castle provided a perfect warm environment to be in. Then, he was reminded they were wizards, and quickly got used to the weather with the help of the little fire Maverick casted in between them.

He really couldn't complain. After having had an agonising week full of studying and revising, all Judson needed was a dose of fresh air, his friends, and Remus Lupin to ease his brain.

Juniper arrived clung to Remus's arm, while her other hand gripped tightly her scarf around her neck. She took a seat next to Maverick, and Remus sat down under the same tree as Judson, back pressed against the same trunk. Their arms touched, and suddenly Judson wasn't cold anymore.

It was hard to focus on the conversation with Remus being that close. He tried not to make a big deal out of it, but when Juniper let out that Remus loved The Beatles, Judson almost had a heart attack. He handled it well, he was sure. Nothing too obvious or scandalous, despite screaming in his mind for a couple of minutes. If everyone carried on with the conversation, Judson didn't hear any of it. "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" was the only thing he heard for a while, on repeat.

"So you like The Beatles," Judson started as they began their way back to the castle. Remus nodded his head vigorously, like a child who was just offered a candy. Judson smiled and kept going, "Love their work. Love their individual projects, too, but the best of them has to be—"

"George Harrison, obviously," they said at the same time.

"What?!" Remus stopped on his tracks, completely amazed. Judson nodded, and Remus smacked his arm. "You're kidding."

"I swear I am not." Judson casually rubbed his arm, as it slightly prickled. "He's brilliant. I can't believe you like him too." Except he actually did. It was written all over his forehead. "I've never met anyone whose favourite Beatle wasn't Paul or John."

"Isn't it a pity..." sang Remus quietly at first. Judson's head turned fast, and with a smirk, Remus continued, "Isn't it a shame."

"How we break each other's hearts, and cause each other pain!" sang Judson a bit too loud and exaggerated, full of emotion. He basically yelled the lyrics on Remus's face.

Remus jabbed him in the arm, again. If he kept doing it, Judson was sure he would end up on the ground, rolling in pain. He didn't mind, though. He was happy to feel the excitement Remus was radiating when he talked or moved—it just hurt a bit.

"Where are Mav and June?" Judson asked, looking behind them to encounter complete nothingness. Remus turned around too, frowning.

"They were right behind us."

"Were they?"

"Apparently not."

They stood in the middle of the Courtyard, looking around at the empty grounds, filled only by the gush of the wind. Judson turned to Remus, whose cheeks were slightly pink from the cold, and immediately knew having lost his friends in the way had been the best possible outcome.

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