Chapter 23

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"Good shooting, Cade!" Hound yelled.

"I need something! Fuck! If i would be in the military i would have pockets full of guns!" I yelled and cursed to myself.

"I'm like a fat ballerina who takes scalps and slits throats!" Hound said and jumped there like an actual ballerina. I looked down and i noticed how my shirt was all ripped down and i only hand my short sleeve so my arms were shown but i think that was the smallest consern right now.

"Got your fortune cookie!" Hound yelled and stabbed the prototype. He was in front of us and suddenly threw grenade inside the building.. It fell down to the ground in front of Joshua who kept crawling on the floor.

"Pull the pin! I'm dying out here!" Hound yelled.

"Here! Take it! Take it!" Joshua was panicking. Cade suddenly pulled the trigger.

"It's live! It's liven take it!" Joshua yelled.

"For god's sake! Give it to me!" I yelled and i nudged Cade a little bit so i could take the grenade.

"Give!" Hound said and i ran carefully but quickly towards him and i gave it. Hound run away from us and threw the grenades away.

"Gosh, i miss military." I murmured.

"I think now it's not time for memories!" Joshua was still panicking.

"Got some bad news, Y/n. I'm out of ammo and out of ideas." Hound said.

"You're never out of ideas!" I yelled to him.

"As rare it is but true!" Hound yelled again.

"Keep fighting!" I yelled to him.

"Take that!" Hound said and punched one of the prototypes. They were rolling on the ground fist fighting and the prototype was on top of Hound. Hound spitted his cigarette otherway and bited it so it shot the prototype's head.

"Get off me." Hound pushed it away but this time he stayed on the ground.

"No! Hound!" I yelled to him and i jumped out from a window.

"Get you ass up!" I yelled to him.

"I can't go on." Hound said.

"Yes you can!" I yelled back.

"Tanks empty, bro." Hound lifted himself a little bit and went back down.

"This Autobot..." I whispered to myself while i started run towards him. I was standing next to his head.

"Hound! There's more of them! I've never seen you like this! The Hound i know, doesn't quit!" I started and he just sighed.

"If we don't fight, we're gonna die! So get up and let's go." I said to him but then i heard weird sound. I quickly walked closer to the road and Hound got up too.

"Optimus is here!" Hound yelled.

Bee jumped and there was huge dinosaur flying above him also Optimus was riding at T-rex.

"You got to be serious?" I asked and i was amazed. Where did he find the Transformers?
I just stood there staring the Autobots and the Dinobots. I noticed that Cade stood behind me with same expression on his fave.

"God i love them." I whispered.

Then Optimus and the others were walking towards us so our group went towards the road.

"Awesome job!" Joshua said and looked at Optimus. I walked past of Joshua and Cade to see Optimus. When he saw me his gaze darkened even more what it was after seeing Joshua. He was clearly pissed about my condition and wounds 'cause like Cade said, i look like crap. Optimus turned to look at Joshua.

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