Chapter 9

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I saw that Cade disappeared and i eventually went back inside. He was holding some kind of drone in his hands.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"From the agents. You know that somebody somewhere gave that order. I'm going to find some fingerprints." Cade said and started to take pieces out from the drone.

"Of course i know." I murmured behind him. Then Cade connected few wires to the screen and there saw a video.

"Please!" Familiar voice begged.

I looked the video and my eyes went wide open.

"No!" I raised my voice.

"No! I'm an Autobot! I'm an Autobot!" The video said.

"It can't be." I murmured.

"Maybe we should continue tomorrow?" Cade asked.

"Yeah, that would be better." I whispered and i walked next to a wall. I sat on the floor and leaned to the wall. They really killed them.
I tried to get some sleep but it didn't go well 'cause i was afraid someone may find us.

It was getting closer to the day time and Optimus finally came back from his trip.

"Grab whatever you think we can use for supplies." Cade said.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked from him.

"A little trick." Cade responded and i grabbed few things to carry.

We walked towards to Optimus and we take all the stuffs with us. Optimus brought us to the Hole N' The Rock but he stayed little further from other people. Cade connected the drone and started to fly that thing.

"This is not easy." Cade said.

"Well it doesn't look like it." I said while i looked at him.

"You know, you don't suck at everything, Dad." Tess said to Cade. He drove the drone closer to at ATM machine. He tried to push the card in and he managed to do so.

Declined. Locked account!

The text appeared on the ATM's screen.

"I knew it." Cade said.

Not long from that we heard sirens. It was police.

"Um i think we should leave." I said.

"Yeah." Cade sighed.

We gathered all the stuff together. Again Tessa and Shane went to the back and i was sitting on the driver's seat.

"Let's go." I said and Optimus started to drive.

I felt like time went more slowly and also we were literally driving to nowhere. More than we were before.

"Where are we going?" Tessa asked.

"To find the others." I answered.

"Calling all Autobots. Calling all Autobots." Optimus called through his radio.

Then i noticed that there was white truck driving towards us. I heard this familiar sound and Optimus scanned the white truck and then we felt a little nudge.

"Whoa! Oh, my go!" Shane said.

Optimus transformed back to his old altmode form. Red and blue.

"Oh, i missed the red and blue." I said and i looked at Optimus's hood.

"That was insane! It was awesome, but it was insane, right?" Shane yelled and i smiled 'cause it was funny to hear that.

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