Chapter 14

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We made our plan clear so we could take rest. Optimus was leaning to one of those stone pillars and i sat in front of him. Cade was sitting with us and he mixed some protein drink to himself what Tess brought from the store.

"Excuse me." Cade started and he turned to look at Tess and Shane so i turned my head too. They were cuddling on the couch.

"There's no smooching in front of me, okay?" Cade said to them and Shane lifted his arms up.
Tess went back to sit away from Shane.

"You're so square. Who even says smooching?" Tess asked from him. I chuckled a little bit and i saw Optimus to cross his servos over his chest.

"I tell you, no respect. It's just impossible sometimes." Cade said and looked at Optimus.

"Yeah. I went through that with Bumblebee." Optimus answered to Cade.

"Excuse me? Bee?" I almost started to laugh.

"Yep." Optimus murmured.

"So he was a wild teenager, huh." I smiled and i crossed my arms.

"You're telling that you weren't?" Cade asked from me.

"Not really. I was kinda lame when i lived with my parents but when i moved out to my friend's place it kinda changed." I smiled softly when i started to remember those times.

"When did you move out?" Cade asked.

"I think i was about 14? I lived many years with my friend and well i became wild when i met these guys for the first time." I said and i looked at the Autobots.

"Was she wild?" I heard Cade whispering to Optimus. I raised my eyebrow and i looked st Optimus.

"Go on." I smiled to him.

"I think it wasn't her fault." Optimus said.

"Yeah and also i think that the military life wasn't that calm after all." I smiled.

It was getting late and eveybody were prepared to go to sleep. I was still awake with Optimus and in the first time such a long time i was actually nervous about the mission.

"You can do it." Optimus said quietly.

"You think?" I asked.

"I know." Optimus answered.

"Yeah... " I said.

"Okay, so do we have all what we need?" Cade asked.

"Yeah, we do. Bee's waiting outside." I said.

"Great, let's go!" Cade said and started to walk towards the doors.

"Shane! Come on!" I yelled to him.

"What?" Shane yelled.

"You're coming with us." I said to him.

"Yeah um, no i'm not." Shane raised and eyebrow.

"Well yeah um, you are... You see this?" I asked and pointed the card.

"Your face is sticked to this so we kinda need you." I said to him.

"You got to be kidding me, right?! It's like stepping into fire!" Shane said to me. Then i heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey boy! You better listen what she says or we're gonna have problems here." Crosshairs said and he was standing behind me. Shane looked at Cross and then me which made me raise my eyebrows.

"Okay, whatever... I'm gonna die anyways." Shane murmured and walked past of me.

"Yeah... Tess, you can go with Drift." I smiled to her.

Shane walked outside from the door and he was pissed 'cause he needed to follow us inside the KSI building.

"Thanks." I said to Crosshairs and i followed Shane.

I went to the backseats and i got a longsleeve shirt on me just in case someone would know who i am.

"What did take so long?" Cade asked.

"Someone was scared..." I murmured and i put my seatbelt on and i saw how Cade turned to look at Shane.

"Hey, not my fault." Shane lifted his hands up in defence.

"Okay, okay, okay. Just let's go..." I said to Shane who started to drive towards the KSI building.

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