Chapter 10

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I sit on Optimus's shoulderplate and i looked the Autobots.

"So, there's been no sign of any others?" Optimus asked. All the rest were sitting.

"Nada." Hound said.

"We are all that's left." Drift added.

"They're picking us off, one by one." Crosshairs said lookig at me and then Optimus.

"But there must be others... Somewhere hiding." I said and i raised an eyebrow.

"We're the pathetic, dirty fifthsome. And you make sixth." Hound said to Optimus.

I looked all of the Autobots but then i looked at Optimus.

"Could you?" I asked from Optimus. He nodded in response and he put me down carefully. I wanted to go talk with Cade and while i was walking towards them i heard Shane whining about something.

"So that's our best-case scenario? Autobot witness protection? " Shane asked.

I walked behind Tess and Cade. I wasn't wearing my longsleeve this time 'cause i felt again burning hot.

"Hey, Speed Racer, you're welcome to leave anytime." Cade said.

"Well, for the recors, Superdad, i'm not hiding with you. I'm hiding out with that big guy and apparently with that person who lives with them." Shane pointed at Optimus and then at me.

"No, but seriously I would like to hear some better ideas from your mouth." I said to Shane.

"Yeah, well maybe i could just surrender to the cops and tell them i don't know anything." Shane said.

"Yeah, very good idea if you wanna die." I looked at Shane.

"Well i think you're gonna sie anyways so does it matter that much?" Shane said to me.

"Oh, no worries about me but you guys. I've tried dying one and almost second time and it wasn't my favorite thing so i would say it's not the best option to you." I responded.

I felt how Optimus and the others were staring at us and listening our arguing.

"Sensei, with your fate unknown, Bumblebee has held command, despite his complete and total lack of anything resembling warrior discipline." Drift said and then pointed at Bumblebee. I turned to look at them two. Bee shook his head and just rolled his optics.

"He's like a child." Drift continued.

The Cade, Tess and the others quickly turned to look at them too.

"This child is about to kick your ass." Bee said and walked towards Drift.

"He brings us shame." Drift continued while still sitting on the rock. Bee kicked Drift'a sword and then they started to fight.

"Cage-fight." Hound said.

I ran quickly out of the way and so did Cade and Tess too.

"Smart-ass." Drift said to Bee.

"What's the matter with them?" Tess asked.

"This is totally normal. They're like bunch of kids sometimes." I said to Tess and i then took few steps back again 'cause i didn't plan to be a pancake today.

"Am i the lone sage who sees through this puppy-dog eyes act? It's beneath you." Drift said and brought his sword closer to Bee's neck.

"Yes, i've been waiting for them all to dispatch each other, so i could take charge with no trouble at all. Just me reporting to me." Crosshairs said spinning his gun on his hand.

I just shook my head and i smiled a bit to Cross.

"Well, it sure looks like you've been missed." Cade said to Optimus.

"Well five years is long time." I said.

"Autobots, Lockdown is hunting us and humans are helping. We need to know why." Optimus said.

"Well, listen, i don't know why, but i have an idea about who." Cade said.

"You do? Why didn't you tell?" I asked.

"Firstly i needed to be sure about it." Cade said.

"Okay... Drift? You wanna help a little bit?" I asked from him.

"Of course." Drift said and then transformed to his car altmode. I nodded to Cade so that he can go with Drift.

It took maybe 5 minutes to connect it and then Drift showed a video which we saw on the big rock.

I walked closer to the screen.

"This drone i stole recorded footage of and Autobot raid. It's in pieces but watch what happens here." Cade said and i focused on the screen.

"Isn't that..." I started.

"That's Leadfoot." Hound continued.

"They rip him apart." Cade said.

"Savages." Hound commented and placed his hat on his chestplate to show respect ro Leadfoot.

"I can't..." I murmured.

"And later, this truck come to haul him off. KSI. Kinetic Solutions. Defense, aerospace, government contracts. They desing this drone." Cade said.

"So these government guys just hunt you down, and then pass you to this KSI?" Shane asked.

"Exactly." I answered.

"The company is headquartered in Chicago. That could be where they were taken." Cade said.

"Did you say Chicago? I have an idea where it is." I say.

"You from Chicago?" Tess asked.

"Mostly i was in Washington but i've been many times in Chicago." I said while inwas still focusing on the screen

"No way to get inside without a battle." Hound said.

"Well, what if you had some more human help?" Cade asked.

"No!" I raised my voice.

"I said that i didn't want you to be involved to this and i will handle it alone." I said.

"Yeah and what, are you two partners now?" Tess asked.

"Sweetie, we're targets now, too. We need to nnow why or we'll never get out lives back." Cade said.

"Autobots, i have sworn to never kill humans." Optimus started. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Big mistake." Hound commented.

"Right?" I agreed with Hound.

"But when i find out who's behind this, he's going to die." Optimus said. I've never seen him like that.

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