Chapter 13

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"Well that was quick." Tess said to us while we walked inside.

"I said it wouldn't take long." I said and i placed the things down like the drone.

"Okay, the thing is that we need to scan the picture to this kind of plastic card which i've made. So that it's almost indentical like the original ones.

"But why do you wanna do that?" Tess asked.

"So that we can get in, of course." I said to her.

"What? Get in?" Cade asked.

"Yeah, like i said. I'll fix this and i just can't sit and watch the situation." I murmured.

"Bee!" I said to him and he whirred happily.

"I'll need your help too." I smiled to him.

Somehow Bee got the picture which Cade took and he scanned same kind of picture to the plastic card i made.

"That's perfect, Bee." I smiled to him and i looked the cars.

"I'll go there." Cade suddenly said.

"What? Now?" I asked from him.

"We don't know what there is so we can go and then it'll be much easier when we know something." Cade said.

I raised my eyebrow and eventually i gave up.

"Okay, but don't get yourself killed! Go and look quickly but then you'll come back!" I said to him.

"Yeah, i'll take Drift with me." Cade said.

"Drift?" I asked.

"On my way." He said and he took Cade back to the KSI building. He even dressed up in some proper clothes.


"Do you have a plan?" Optimus asked me and scanned me throughly while i sat in front of her.

"Me? Of course i do. I am captain. Captain's have plans always." I scoffed.

"Y/n." Optimus said like he read my mind.

"No, i don't have proper plan but i'll think it today." I said and i looked et my shoes. I sighed and i then groaned 'cause this was frustrating. Why the hell i always pull people with me and tthings don't end up well.

"So what are you to my dad? Are you his girlfriend?" I suddenly heard Tessa's voice.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah, girlfriend?" Tess asked again.

"No, no, no. I.. no gosh no." I started to panic.

"Do you like him?" Tess asked like some ten year old little girl.

"What are these questions? No. I mean yes..." I said and then i saw with corner of my eye that Optimus was staring at me. I took a deep breath and i started again.

"I mean no. I'm not his girlfriend and i don't have any special feelings towards him. I've only known him like a week. And i already have someone special." I said to Tess.

"Oh really? What he's like?" Tess asked and i remembered that Shane was there too.

"I don't wanna be rude but i think it's not a thing you should know." I said to her.

Tess looked at me and i hoped that i didn't hurt her feelings. I looked back up.

"What?" I asked from Optimus who was still staring at me.

"You're hurt." He started and i was confused.

"No i'm not." I laughed.

"Mentally." He said again.

" I mean are you not?" I asked from him.

"I didn't say that i'm not." Optimus said to me.

"It's just so frustrating when you see and hear your family to get killed and separated from eachother. It was already terrible with Charlotte Mearing and what she wanted to do but now it's lot worse." I said.

"But still there you are. You're the strongest here and you spark must be special." Optimus said to and his words made me look at his eyes.

"Hope that's true." I whispered.

This time he didn't answer to me and it took a while that he even did something. Then i saw his servo reaching for me and then he placed his right servo around my body and lifted me up to his shoulder plate.

"It is true." Optimus said and nudged me a little bit with his index finger. I started to smile and i felt how my heart was racing. It has never beated this fast.

"Then i'll believe in you." I said and i touched his cheek plate.

It's been an hour already and Cade hasn't come back.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"I'm sure he's okay. He's with Drift." Optimus said.

"I'm back!" Cade yelled and i couldn't read his face.

"So what did you find?" I asked from him and i walked closer to him.

"A couple times a day, these guys are moving im vehicle shipments into KSI for something called scanning. Major security all over. So our best shot at getting in is a back classified research entrance." Cade explained quickly.

"Scanning? That could mean anything." I started.

"So what's our plan?" Tess asked.

I looked all of us and even the Autobots. Crosshairs looked like he didn't care but i knew he did. Optimus and Drift were listening and Hound was cleaning his guns.

"We're gonna go in tomorrow and i'll take Bee with me." I started.

"I'm coming too." Cade said.

I stared at him. Even though i've only known him for a week i know he's not gonna quit.

"Fine. Would it be good then if you wait for somewhere for our mark and if something happens? I'll take some earbuds for me snd Cade and connect them to you guys. But i'll know it's gonna be messy. Expecially when we'll found who's behind this." I said.

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