chapter 18

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Kie and I spent most of the day at the hospital. When she first brought me into the room she made a joke and said, "Ha, one of the only times my mom can't kick you out of the room"

I smiled as it was nice to see Kie have her sense of humor back. Kie fell asleep and I spoke to her mom and said, "I know you don't like me and you have every right to want to protect your daughter but you don't need to protect her from me. I love her more than anything or anyone in this world. I'd never felt love before falling in love with Kiara and now I can't live without her. I know this isn't fair to ask you now because you're unconscious but I want to marry her and she's going to need her mom on the big day. I know you want to see your little girl in a beautiful white dress marrying the love of her life. And Kie will need you when she's pregnant and having babies and our children need to meet their grandma because I don't have any family. I guess I suck at words and I don't know how the unconscious mind works but in movies usually, you can hear the person"

It just kinda fell out of my mouth, like word vomit. I never realized that I wanted kids. I guess now I did. I sat there picturing Kie pregnant and how adorable she'd look with the baby bump and holy shit, how perfect our kids would look. I want a little girl who is a mini Kie, exactly. I looked at Kie who was asleep and I just smiled like an idiot. I was so lucky to have her in my life.

We had to leave after visiting hours were done and Kie had to go help her dad at the Wreck. I also tagged along and helped out where I could. It was a really busy night and at the end of the night, Mike handed Kie her money and he also went to hand me money as well.

"No thank you, sir. I was just helping out" I said declining the money and Kie looked at me shocked

We went back to Kie's house and she took a shower and I decided to join her in the shower. I washed her hair for her. I know she's super stressed right now. She got out of the shower and then I washed my hair. I crawled into bed with Kie and pulled her into my arms and she fell asleep.

She spent the next few days going to the hospital to visit her mom and I was helping her dad out at the Wreck every day pretty much working open to close. I tried to pick up the slack for them as I know Mike was focused on the business side of things as Anna wasn't there.

Today, was a Saturday and Kie was still stressed and worried about her mom. I took Kie to the beach to go surfing and clear her mind for a bit. She was an amazing surfer and this was our first time surfing in the Outer Banks together.

She was laughing and having fun and then Rafe, Topper, and Ben appeared. They walked up to me and said, "Get the fuck off our beach you fucking pogue"

"Yeah, you piece of shit" Been added

"Gonna hit us now like your dad used to do to you?" Rafe asked getting in my face

"Leave him alone" Kie said firmly

"Oh, your precious kook girlfriend is gonna save the day" Topper teased me

"Fuck off, Topper" Kie said giving him the finger

Rafe came after me and he punched me so I hit him back. Ben joined in and it was two against one. Kie jumped in and broke the fight up with Topper's help. Kie grabbed my arm and we walked away from them and grabbed the surfboard and went back to her house. She brought me up to her room and looked at my hands and my face. The fight wasn't that bad, it was nothing compared to what my father has done to me.

"I'm so sorry, J. You said you never wanted to come back here and I made you and you got hurt"

"Kie, I'm fine. Rafe barely hit me, he punches like a child. I already told you, I'd come back for you and that's exactly why we are here. I love you and I'm here for you" I said holding her

I wish I could take some of her pain and stress away. I got an idea. I booked a rage room and I took Kie later that night. She had no idea where we were going. Once we arrived and she knew where we were, I told her, "In high school, I used to get so pissed off that I'd want to get in fights and break things because it allowed me to release my anger. Try it"

We went into the room and Kit was having fun. I joined her and once the room was destroyed, she broke down in tears. She felt guilty about me getting in a fight, she was worried about her mom, and so many other things that have just built up. I took her to get ice cream and then we went back to her house. She took a shower and she came and laid next to me in bed.

"Thank you for today. It was exactly what I needed" She said looking into my eyes

"You're welcome. I love you"

"I love you too" She said kissing me

I pulled back and I looked at her and said, "I forgot to tell you this, but I don't ever want to leave you alone. If something happens to me, I want to know that you'll have people who love you besides your parents. Kie, I want to have kids with you"

"Really?" She asked as this kinda came out of nowhere

"Yes, a little girl just like you"

"No, a little boy just like you" She said kissing me

We had sex for the first time in a week. It felt like we had finally re-connected and like Kie wasn't so stressed, angry, and scared anymore. Things got even better the next morning when Kie got a call from the hospital saying her mom was awake and things were looking good. We both got ready and rushed to the hospital to meet Mike and go see Anna.

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