chapter 3

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Kie's POV:

I woke up and saw that JJ was gone. I assumed he must have just left early this morning to do whatever. I didn't realize he actually left.

I had no idea where he was off to. I wonder why he didn't say goodbye. We actually seemed to have fun together.

Oh well.... I got up and I spent three more days in Spain before taking a train to France. I arrived and found a place to stay. I met this girl who was from California. Her name was Ashley and we spent a whole week together in France.

I posted the pictures on instagram and noticed JJ had followed me and liked the pictures. This was strange.

Ashley and I were going to travel together. We hit three new countries and I put a story on instagram of us on a plane that said: roma here we come

We landed and I saw JJ had swiped up on my story and said: i'm flying in tonight too! meet me outside the airport at 7:15pm. wait for me and I'll buy you gelato

Me: how could i turn down a free gelato that would cost me less than two euros for waiting almost three hours

JJ: I'm worth it, I promise and tell your friend I say hello

Me: NO! Hell now, she is off limits! GO find another girl to fuck around with

JJ: Plane is taking off now. See you soon

I rolled my eyes and told Ashley about JJ. Not everything from OBX, just that we met in Spain and he was coming to hang with us in Italy. She was excited to meet him. She stalked him on instagram and said, "Uh, you failed to mention how hot he is"

"That's because he's gay" I said lying but I really didn't want him to hook up with her

"Damn" She said

We waited two hours for his plane to land. I had no idea where he was even coming from. Part of me wondered why I was waiting for him. It was JJ Maybank that I was waiting for. He's a pogue. But he wasn't the ass that he was back home. Traveling with him was different. It was kinda fun.

Finally, I saw his messy blonde hair walking toward me and he smiled, "Kiara"

"JJ" I said and then I introduced him and Ashley

We went and checked into a place to stay. Then we made JJ pay up on that gelato promise. He happily did with no complaints. We just sat outside and talked. JJ was in London the whole time and Ashley and I told him all about our adventures.

"So, JJ have you met any cute boys yet?" Ashley asked and I wanted to die

I caught JJ's glare and his smile and he said, "Ha, that's funny.... Good one, Kie. No, no cute boys"

Ashley looked at me and I said, "Sorry, my bad... It must be another guy from back home"

A total lie, but I had to cover it up somehow. Now Ashley and JJ were flirting. This is exactly what I didn't want. I didn't want to a third wheel. I wanted one person to travel with.

"Well, I'm going back to go to bed. Have fun on your date" I said annoyed as I got up and left

I went and took a shower and laid in bed. I debated if I should just pack my stuff and leave. Head to a new city in Italy. I was a few seconds away from doing that when Ashley and JJ returned.

"Kie, can we talk?" JJ asked

I got up and left the room with him and he said, "Listen, if it's that big of a deal to you. I promise that nothing will happen between me and Ashley. Nothing, no sex, no kissing, no flirting."

"I'm not jealous, I just don't want to lose her as a friend because she's super cool to travel with I honestly feel much safer not being alone"

"I never said you were jealous, but I get it. I won't pursue her, pinky promise" He said sticking his pinky out and then we went back inside

We all went to bed and the next day, the three of us went our exploring. We went to all the popular tourist attractions and Ashley and I took super cute pictures in the Colosseum and posted them: hey now, hey now! this is what dreams are made of

That was from a popular Lizzie McGuire movie we both watched growing up. JJ had never seen the movie and I told him we were going to watch it sometime. He jumped in on the pictures and the three of us were sweaty. We went and got gelato. I was alone with Ashley while JJ went to order.

"You know, if you liked him you could have just told me. You didn't need to tell me he's gay when he clearly isn't"

"Eww, I don't like him. Trust me, we grew up living two completely different lives. He just has this rule where he doesn't do relationship and he hooks up with girls once and is done with them. I just don't want to lose our friendship over him"

"Damn, so he's a slut. I get it, thanks for the heads up. But he seems to like you"

"Trust me, he doesn't" I said denying it because I knew it wasn't true

JJ came back with our gelato and he asked what we were talking about and Ashley said, "Kie was just telling me you're kind of a man slut"

"Oh was she?"

"I was" I said smiling at Ashley who started laughing

We went back and went to bed and we spent three more days in Rome and then we ventured to ten other famous Italian cities. We spent three weeks in Italy and now Ashley was heading back to France as she was going to stay with her sister who was studying abroad for a week before she returned home for school.

We both said goodbye to her and we promised to keep in touch. JJ and I were at the airport and he looked at me and asked, "So where to now?"

"Oh, so we're going together?"

"You're the one who said you don't like to travel alone"

"I don't, but traveling with you is basically like being alone because you're so immature"

"Wanna know how immature I am? Follow me" JJ said leading me over to desk to buy tickets

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman working asked

"Two random tickets to anywhere" He said

The lady printed two tickets and JJ thanked her and put them in his pocket and we went through security. He wouldn't let us look at the tickets until after we got through security. He pulled them out of his pocket and we were heading to Greece. I was so excited! Greece had always been on my bucket list.

We boarded the plane and I looked at JJ and said, "Shit, how much were the tickets. I'll venmo you the money for mine"

"Don't worry about it" He said so casually

"Did you rob a bank?" I asked as it wasn't the craziest thing he could do

"Something like that, don't worry about it, princess" He smirked as the plane took off

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