chapter 10

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Thanksgiving was coming up and John B and Pope both wanted to see me. I missed them like crazy so I agreed to come back to OBX for Thanksgiving.

To be honest, I only came back because I knew that Kie was going to be home and I wanted to try to talk to her.

I didn't travel so much anymore. I've been staying in Belize on the beach for the past four months. I've been so bored that I got a fucking job which is pathetic considering that I have enough money to buy the country.

I arrived at the chateau and John B and Pope updated me on their lives and I did the same. Except I lied. I told them about all the adventures. I just told them I was alone. I didn't want them to know about Kie.

For Thanksgiving, Pope's parents invited me and John B over and I declined. I spent the day thinking back to last year with Kie. I also downed a few too many bottles of beer and smoked some weed. Now that is some good shit to be thankful for.

The next night, we went to a party and I looked up and there she was. She looked beautiful but she was with a bunch of kooks. One guy seemed into her and I wanted to punch him in the face. I held back.

I didn't even look at her. Damn, it killed me not to look at her because she looked stunning and I missed her. I kept an eye on her all night and it payed off because fucking Rafe showed up and he was trying to drag Kie out.

My protective side kicked in and I yanked Rafe away from her and got in a fight with him. I saw Kie run to Sarah crying. Hopefully she was able to tell her everything so Rafe had no power over her.

I snuck away to clean up and then Kie came and found me. We started talking and I just got so pissed that I said things I would regret. Oh well, she's with Cody now.

I went back to the chateau to smoke some weed and later that night John B and Pope walked in.

"Dude, you look like shit" John B said sitting on the couch next to me

"I feel like shit" I replied dryly

"Why are you so sad? We're millionaires, let's fucking go!!!!" Pope said which wasn't like him. He must have had a few drinks

"I fucked up pretty bad this time" I said

"What did you do?"

"I met Kiara Carrera in Spain randomly and we traveled the world together for ten months just as friends. Well, one night we had sex and..." I continued the story and they were both so engaged in the story

"You really did screw things up"

"What are you going to do?" Pope asked

"I don't know... I think I'm going to go travel and try and clear my head" I replied

I went to bed early that night and the next day, John B drove me to the airport.  I bought a plane ticket to California. I knew Kie would be on this flight. I went to the lady at the front desk and I paid extra to have her bumped to first class and I bought the seat next to her.

I purposely left and showed back up right before they closed the doors. I put my bag in the overhead bin and I sat down next to Kie. She looked at me and said, "I should have known... Getting bumped up to first class seemed too good to be true"

"You know most people would say thank you"

"Shut up, when we get in the air I'm going to offer this seat to someone else."

"Fine, I'll do the same thing to the next person sitting next to you" I threatened her

She put her airpods in her ears and leaned her head on the window. I left her alone for a bit and we took off. I then took her airpod out of her ear and she gave me a death glare.

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