Circus of Ooze

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~Shouko's POV~

It's a nice quiet day in Shuggazoom. Ever since the incident with Scrapperton and the robo-apes, things have been a little unsettling. I've been having nightmares about Skeleton King and him killing the Monkey Team.

Sensing this trouble, Antauri thought it would be a good idea if we took a walk around town. Have some fresh air. The others agreed.

Of course, we hear the news that Shuggazoom is holding host for a circus in the park. Otto encouraged us all to go. So we did.

"Oh! Let's go see the jugglers first! No, no, no, no! The trapeze artists!" Otto exclaimed in excitement. He folded his arms in thought, "No. Maybe the jungle girl! Yeah." Then he smiled with a sigh, "I love the circus."

"I gathered..." Gibson spoke up.

Sparx looked across and nudged me, "What's with the kid?" I followed his gaze. Chiro was cautiously looking through the tents, in his Hypermode. "I thought you and he only go into Hypermode when there's trouble."

Chiro yelped as a clown in overalls walked past him.

I shrugged, "Chiro's not a big fan of clowns. Bad experiences and leave it at that."

Gibson nodded, "I gathered..."

Then other citizens of Shuggazoom saw the Monkeys and started cheering. Nova chuckled with her hand behind her head.

Suddenly, I started to feel cold again. I could hear screams echoing in my mind. Crying for help. I quietly shivered, as a voice spoke from behind us, "Welcome."

The Monkeys, Chiro and I turned to see the Ringmaster behind us.

He was a tall man with greyish tinged skin, like the clown from before. His eyes were dark. He wore a dark purple tail coat over a white buttoned shirt. White gloves. Black cane. Dark grey pants and black boots. His top hat was the same color as his tail coat.

 His top hat was the same color as his tail coat

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"Welcome." He greeted, "It is an honor for my humble show to be graced by the Hyperforce." Then he announced, "Come tonight, the house will be for rubes. Strictly turn-away. That's when our slurkies mix our magic. I promise you a show that will curl your toes."

I raised a brow. Nova turned to Antauri smiled, "I don't what he's saying, but he makes it sound fun."

Then the Ringmaster spoke up, "Say. My circus is only missing one thing. Colorful chimps like you." Then he smiled, "How about your monkeys join the act?"

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