Chiro's Girl

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~Hakuren's POV~

It's been a few weeks since Chiro and I found a group of robot monkeys inside a giant robot, woke them ups and became official members of their team.

So far, Chiro and I have been training on how to fight evil. Chiro and I learned that we have powers like the rest of the team. The bad part is Chiro has better control than I do.

A few days ago, during training, I blacked out again. Gibson explained that I was shouting at nothing and attacked Otto. I quickly apologized to Otto and he was okay. Nova assured that these black-outs shouldn't happen often with proper training.

Antauri believes the black-outs are manifestations of my bottled up or dormant powers. He took it upon himself to teach me to see if we can awaken them and have better control. I have better control over summoning my ghost-like claws. And the black-outs have been happening less frequently. So far, so good.

Chiro and I have also learned how unique the monkeys are, apart from their colored fur.

Antauri is the more of the mentor and peacekeeper of the team. Although the most calm, he demonstrates great amount of psychic abilities. Such as psychokinesis and levitation without a rocket pack. He also has a very strong connection with the Power Primate. Antauri's weapon is his ability to transform his hands into ghost-like claws. Similar to my own.

(A/N: Shouko's claws are black with an deep green hue. While Antauri's claws are an eerie pale green.)

Gibson is the brains of the group. His technological prowess and scientific knowledge can often clash with each other, which makes him overlook or miss the most obvious of situations. Of course, he does like to boast about his smarts, but we keep him in line. Gibson's weapons is twin cyber-back drills from his hands, that are also able to shoot lasers.

Nova, apart from myself, is the second only female of the group. Due to spending a lot of time with boys, she comes out as a tough-as-nails tomboy. But she can show her girly side every now and again. She and I have grown to see each other like sisters. Nova's weapon is enlarging her hands into gauntlets, which are powerful enough to make all of Shuggazoom shake.

Otto is a very funny character. He's not science smart, like Gibson, but he is technological smart. Which makes him the mechanic of the group. But, of course being technological smart, doesn't mean he's smart-smart. Otto has the mental maturity of a child, but can be serious when he needs to be. His weapon of choice are twin buzz-saws from his hands. Strong enough to cut through titanium.

And last we have Sparx. He's our best pilot of the group. Although Gibson follows logic, Sparx follows his gut instinct. Chiro and Sparx see each other like brothers. Like me and Nova. But, Sparx is more of the teenager brother that likes to tease his younger brother. Sparx's weapon of choice are magnets that allow him to channel and manipulate electro-magnetic energy.

Oh, you want to know what the Power Primate is, huh? Well... As Antauri would have put it, the Power Primate is a powerful entity of primordial mystical energy of the universe. Yet, somehow, it feels alive. It mostly takes the form of a large ghostly green gorilla or a large monkey of extreme divinity. It's like unleashing your 'inner beast' of sort. Not sure how to explain it really.

I'll explain more later... Anyhoo, back to where we were and what we were doing.

Right now, Chiro, the Monkey Team and I were on top of the Super Robot. Sparx and Chiro were equipped with water guns and jet canisters. Standing at the ready.

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