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Chapter Forty


              There was something in the way my mother called Bicol our home that convinced me she was right. I realized that for so long, she's done her best to make London her home, but her attempts were all futile, because just like me, she keeps finding enough reasons to come back to Camarines Norte. And so, I took a flight from Madrid to Manila the next day. I had enough time to dye my hair black and pack two suitcases, not knowing when I'm coming back – or if I'll ever have the strength to.

              It's funny how a month ago, I left the Philippines to heal a broken heart. And now, I'm leaving Spain to go back to the Philippines for the exact same reason. I'm not sure when life will get tired of playing these mind games on me.

              Now, I'm sitting on a rusty metal airport chair in front of the gate, waiting for the boarding for my flight to Naga to start. I was about to close my eyes to take a nap when a woman stepped on my foot by accident. I groaned, feeling like she just crushed my toes with the heel of her boot.

              "Oh goodness!" she exclaimed. "I'm so sorry!"

              "No, no." I shook my head, reaching for the injured toes, and gently massaging them. "It's alright. Don't worry about it." I stood up and picked my duffel bag to move two rows behind where not a lot of people are, but my eyes landed on the book she was holding. I guess life isn't done playing with me.

It had a picture of Aaron Monteverde on the cover. The title read How To Build An Empire.

              I stopped and pointed at the book. "You're a fan of him?"

              She smiled. "Yeah. I mean, who isn't, right? I'm taking up business administration and a couple of months ago I did an internship for his company where I got to meet him!" She grinned as she settled down on the seat next to mine, uninvited. "People say he looks very intimidating, but he's very approachable in person. He's passionate about what he does, and he knows what he's talking about. He even gave me some useful tips to get me started on my career. Would you believe that? THE Aaron Monteverde!" Her smile was genuine, and it showed her enthusiasm about the topic. I remember having the same smile when I was younger and telling Maverick and Harvey about Aaron Monteverde's latest interview.

              I decided to sit back down. "I'm a fan of him, too. He has the most amazing business ideas."

              "Tell me about it!" She opened the book and flipped a couple of pages, before handing it to me. "Read this. He gives credit to his wife for all his achievements in the field. He said that he couldn't have done it without her support, without her always backing up his ideas. This is also what he told me during my internship. Find someone to back you up. Surround yourself with the right people. Do things with the right intentions."

              I scanned through the passage and nodded. It makes my heart ache thinking about how I didn't even get a chance to see this side of Aaron Monteverde because we started off in the wrong foot. Now, I've completely ruined whatever image of me he had in his mind, because I hurt his daughter in the most unimaginable way possible – a scandal. And just like that, I can't stop thinking of her again.

              Alexiana, my Alexiana. I don't even have a right to call her that anymore. Her decision was right. Of course, I've known it all along, I was just too hurt and too stubborn to admit that between the two of us, she was the one sensible enough to do the right thing – leave. I'm tarnishing not just her peace of mind, but the entire reputation Aaron and Cassidy Monteverde have worked so hard to build for their family. I've been selfish asking her to stay, knowing how much was at stake. 

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