Chapter 22

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Charles is sitting at his desk when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in," he commands.

Richard walks in and comes up to his desk.

"Sir, all the arrangements made for Her Royal Highness's birthday are all ready to go. After the small celebration with Princes William and Harry. The car will be ready to take you to Windsor Castle where three bouquets of twenty-one long-stem red and pink roses are waiting, along with a bottle of Louis XV champagne..."

"Did the jeweler send over the diamond suite I ordered?" Charles asks when Richard pauses.

"Yes Sir, it was taken straight to Windsor Castle. Along with the custom birthday card, the signet ring, and the dress. Also, staff will be on hand to light the candles and start the bubble bath in the tub when you and The Princess are ready. I have already forwarded your clothes over as well. Is there anything else you need to be done?"

"No Richard, everything seems to be in order, thank you," Charles replies standing. Richard bows before leaving the room. Charles decides to pay his wife and six-day-old daughter a visit.

Diana is sitting in the rocking chair feeding Victoria while her Lady in Waiting Anne Beckwith-Smith goes over her diary.

"That is all Your Highness," Anne says closing Diana's diary.

"Thank you," Diana replies.

"Happy Birthday Ma'am," Anne says with a curtsy.

"Thank you, Anne, enjoy your weekend," Diana replies.

Not long after Anne leaves Charles enters the nursery.

"Hello my love," he says kissing Diana.

"Hi, darling," Diana says as she switches Victoria to her other breast.

Charles smiles at his daughter who is focused on being fed. He caresses her little head, he is happy to have the little girl he's longed for.

"How is she today?"

"Good, very hungry," Diana giggles.

He smiles as he takes a seat across from Diana. Her giving birth to the little girl in her arms made him fall in love with her even more. Tonight on the occasion of the birth of the love of his life he plans to show her how much she means to him.

"Well, darling are you ready for your surprise?"

"Yes, but I can't help but be curious about what it is."

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, you have to wait until later."

"Fine, I'll wait."

Once Diana is finished feeding Victoria she hands her over to the nanny to take care of her. Charles then guides his wife to the dining room. When he opens the door William and Harry scream surprise!

Diana smiles and kisses each one. Wills and Harry sing happy birthday to her before Diana blows out her candles. After cutting her cake she gives them a slice as well as her and Charles.

"I hope you like the gift your gift mummy," Harry says presenting Diana with a large box. A box almost the size of him.

"Harry and I picked it out. It's from me, Harry, and Victoria," William says before eating another spoonful of cake.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it," Diana replies as she unwraps the box. A smile comes across her face when she sees a teddy bear holding a red heart. In between the red heart is an envelope.

Opening it, there are three pieces of paper showing stick figures holding hands.

"That's me, you, Wills, and Papa," Harry says with pride.

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