Chapter 19

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Tonight is the night,

That you make me a woman

You said you'll be gentle with me

And I hope you will...
                  - Tonight is the Night by Betty Wright

Diana stands by the window looking out at the vast land that is now covered in darkness. The only light that cuts through the darkness is from the moon and stars which seem to shine extra bright tonight. Watching as the trees dance along the gentle breeze.

Right now all her thoughts are replays of today. Just hours ago she and Charles made vows in front of hundreds of guests and millions of people who watched their wedding on tv. Today was a special day as she married the man of her dreams, the only man she has ever loved. She married the Prince of Wales.

Something she is still coming to terms with. It all seems surreal, even when she and Charles started becoming serious. Diana never thought the day she went to interview to be his son's nanny, would be the beginning of her future. The man she has had a crush on is now her husband. Now here she is Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales.

Turning from the window she goes over and discards her robe, before getting into bed. For it to be July, tonight was awfully cold as the fireplace was lit, and is the only light in the room.

Diana watches as the flames dance about in the vast space, enjoying the warmth it emits. Soon more heat will be generated, yet it will be in this bed. Once Charles gets out of the shower, she knows he will be ready for bed, but not to sleep.

Honestly, she can't help but feel nervous as she has never been with a man before. She doesn't know what to do or what to expect. Her only hope is Charles will be gentle with her.

Since they arrived there at the estate, Charles couldn't keep his hands to himself. The hot passionate kisses before and after dinner. Him patting her rear while they were walking around the estate. Then before he went to take his shower he kissed her again while guiding her hand to the prominent bulge in his pants. An action that made her blush. Once he sees her in this little number, she'll be lucky if he allows her to leave their bedroom at all during the next three days they'll be there.

Now there was nothing she could say to avoid him. She is his wife and even though he already has two sons, he expressed he wants to try for another child. More specifically a daughter. Of course, they'll be sharing a bed for the rest of their lives so sex with Charles is inevitable.

Diana jumps when she hears the door close.

"It's just me, darling," Charles says walking towards the bed.

Charles takes off his robe revealing royal blue silk pajamas. He tosses the robe onto the ottoman before joining his bride in bed.

"Would you like some more champagne, my love?" Charles asks putting his arm around his wife.

"Yes," she replies, hoping the gold liquid could help her relax.

Charles hands her glass off his nightstand, before picking up his.

Diana takes a small sip before setting the flute down on the table next to her. Her nervousness began to get the best of her.

Diana looks down at her hand at her engagement and wedding rings. She had so many doubts running through her head.

What if he takes off my nightie and he doesn't like what he sees? I've never had sex before I don't know what to do.  Am I going to enjoy it?  Will it hurt?

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