Chapter 8

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"Duch I can't believe it! He wants to court you?" Virginia asks excitedly.

"Yes, he asked me last night before I left," Diana replies as she hugs her pillow.

"I told you Diana its fate. You went for a position and got the position and a Prince," Carolyn teases.

Diana giggles. Her snagging the Prince of Wales was something she didn't expect.

"So how did he ask you? Give us the details!"

"It wasn't like he got down on one knee and asked me, Virginia. He asked me to come to his office and we sat in front of the fireplace he asked me."

"Still sounds romantic to me," Virginia replies.

Diana snickers, "I honestly don't know what to do. I've never had a boyfriend before so I don't know what to expect."

"Just take it one day at a time, Duch. Don't overthink it," Carolyn replies.

"Carolyn is right, don't overthink it. Just let things come naturally," Virginia adds.

After talking to Carolyn and Virginia, Diana decides to read one of her books. All she can think about is Charles and the fact they are a couple. Something she never imagined would happen.

She finds Charles to be handsome and distinguished. A man whose hands she's dreamed of holding. Now his hands have touched her and so have his lips. Kissing him is thrilling and hot. It all feels so wonderful.

Diana drifts off to sleep in the middle of her thoughts.

The room suddenly is lit with candles revealing a large canopy bed covered in rose petals that spell C & D. On one of the nightstands is a bottle of champagne with two flutes already filled. The window is open allowing a cool gentle breeze to fill the room while the curtains dance to the silent beat of the wind.

"Well my love, what do you think?" the familiar voice says.

A voice that sends shivers down her spine, a voice that has ignited a fire inside her belly.

"It's very romantic," she replies turning to face him. When she turns she bites her lips as she wasn't expecting him to be shirtless. Wow, he looks hot. The way his pecs are sculpted perfectly. The little trail of hair goes down to the top of his pants.

He captures her attention when he captures her lips with a kiss. His lips then trail from hers to her chin, down her neck to her cleavage. He tugs on the closure of her robe revealing her nightgown.

The feeling of his teeth against her skin nipping, him marking her as his. His strong hands slid down the straps eventually to reveal her breasts. Leaving a trail of kisses on each one until he flicks his tongue against her nipple. An action that causes her to moan, only stoking his flames of desire for her.

He pays attention until it's a hard peak before switching to another. She closes her eyes as she enjoys the pleasure hers gives her body. The pleasure is short-lived when he abruptly stops.

Without a word, he picks her up and carries her over to the bed where he gently lies her down. He helps her out of her nightgown marveling at the beautiful sight before him.

"So beautiful," he says before he drops his pants. Allowing her to see how aroused he is.

She bites her bottom lip as if she has never seen something as magnificent. Curiously she reaches out and touches him, causing him to shudder.

Joining her in bed her kisses her again as his hands grip her legs. Positioning himself for them to be joined intimately.

"I love you, Charles," she says to him.

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