Chapter 3

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Diana arrives on her first day as the nanny to Princes William and Harry. She feels nervous yet a little excited. She never thought the day would come when she would be working for the Prince of Wales, a man she has had a crush on since she was thirteen. Yet she is determined to be professional at all times.

She'll miss watching Patrick a sweet little boy she has grown close to. However, this is a new chapter, a new beginning.

Diana is met again by Richard who escorts her to the Prince's quarters so she begins her day. Again Richard has her wait while he informs the Prince of her arrival.

This time instead of her being escorted to his office, the Prince greets her.

"Good morning Diana," Charles says offering her a friendly smile.

"Good morning Your Highness," Diana replies before she curtsies.

Charles looks at the young woman in front of him. From the way she is standing, he can tell she's nervous.

Just then William and Harry run into the room. Harry is being chased by William.

"William, Harry, you know there isn't any running inside the house," Charles says bringing both boys to a screeching halt.

"Yes Papa," they both say.

"Besides I would like for you to meet your new nanny, this is Ms. Spencer," Charles says.

Both boys come over to get a closer look at their new nanny. Like before Harry looks at Diana shyly and William looks at her trying to piece the puzzle in his head.

"Hello," Diana waves.

"Hey you're the lady that was here before," William says smiling.

"I am," Diana replies.

"Are we going to have fun, or are you going to make us do boring stuff?" William asks.

"We can do fun things too, but learning can be fun," Diana replies coming down to the young Prince's height.

"No, it's boring," William counters crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, we'll have to change that won't we," Diana replies smiling at him.

"I have some work I need to finish, so I'll leave you alone. William, Henry you must be on your best behavior for Ms. Spencer," Charles says to his sons.

"Yes Papa," the boys reply.

Charles goes off to his office leaving Diana alone with the two boys.

"Ms. Spencer, has anyone told you look like our mummy," William asks looking at Diana.

"No, I've never been told that before," Diana replies a little shocked.

"Mummy had red hair like Harry, and she had blue eyes like yours," William says.

Diana smiles, "Thank you, William, you're very sweet. Why don't we go get our day started."

After getting the boys ready for bed, Diana is informed the Prince would like to see her before she leaves.

Diana says good night to the boys before heading to Charles' office. The entire time she was there he was inside his office. She had an idea he is a busy man, she didn't know he was that busy.

She knocks on the door and is told to come in.

"Your Highness, your secretary informed me you wanted to see me before I leave," Diana says.

"Yes, please have a seat," Charles says putting down the paper he was reading.

Diana curtsies before she takes a seat in front of him.

"I wanted to see how your first day with my sons went. I hope they were on their best behavior."

"Today went great, the Princes were very well-behaved," Diana replies.

"That is good to hear. Since their mother died, the boys have been rather unruly, and I just don't want them to cause you too much trouble."

"No, sir they were angels, they listened and were very open to some of the new things they learned."

"Good, I better go kiss them good night and tuck them in," Charles stands.

"They are waiting for you Your Highness," Diana replies stands following Charles out of his office.

"Good, well I bid you good night Diana," Charles turns to face Diana. Looking into those marvelous blue eyes has his heart racing.

"Good night," Diana replies while grabbing her bag and coat.

Once Diana is gone, his heart begins to slow down. Today is only day one, he could only wonder how it will be going forward. Shaking her hand feeling electricity, her scent intoxicated him earlier, and her soft voice is like music to his ears. He needs to maintain control, Diana works for him and their relationship should remain strictly professional. At least he hopes.

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