chapter 40- someone

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i only cry a couple minutes before my phone rings again.

"i swear to god, ava..." i mutter as i turn to look at the phone.

incoming call: karl jacobs


he's probably calling because of the interview. he probably wants to make sure i watched him say all that cheesy, sweet, sappy, adorable shit about me. that cheesy, sweet, sappy, adorable shit he probably didn't even mean.

i reluctantly answer the phone, putting it on speaker.

"hey," i say.

"hi!" karl greets enthusiastically with his usual cheer. "did you watch the interview?"



"was that about me? that thing about waiting and stuff?"

"no blondie, it was about my side chick that i told you i didn't have. of course it was about you!"

"that's why you wanted me to watch so badly?"

"you sound upset..." he states, his voice dropping significantly.

"i'm not, i'm just wondering how many girls you've said that to."

karl is silent for a moment, probably completely baffled.

"what are you talking about?"

"i don't know, maybe corinna, for example? i saw her calling you sexual names and you feeding into it. people are talking about us, karl. some people think it's all a big joke and we're nothing serious. and if that's how you feel, you should've told me that from the beginning. because none of this has ever been a joke to me, and-"

"why are you bringing up corinna?" he cuts off my rambling.

"because i see the stuff you guys have written on twitter! i bet you've told her exactly what you've told me, right? i'm nothing special, right?"

karl remains quiet yet again.

"this isn't a joke?" he asks.

"why the hell would this be a joke?"

"because i'm completely dumbfounded right now as to how you listened to everything i said in that interview, something that's out there for the entire world to see, something that i meant from the bottom of my heart and was nervous as fuck to say, and twisted it to make me sound like a monster."

"you know what else the entire world sees? your twitter."

"that shit is from a year ago, haven. some of the tweets are even older than that."


"i just don't understand why you randomly decided to hunt down old tweets of mine. especially after i just told the entire world how i feel about you."

"the world doesn't know it's about me."

"would you prefer they did? cause i will gladly go on twitter right now and-"

"oh yeah, twitter. thanks for reminding me about the topic at hand."

karl sighs quietly.

"after everything. after chasing after you for months, after being as genuine to you as i possibly can, after letting you completely into my life, after accepting you for exactly as you are, after coming back to you time after time again, even though all you do is shoot me down and reject me... you still don't trust me? you still believe i'm out to get you? that i don't mean any of this? that it's all a game to me?"

sweet tooth - karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now