chapter 26- status

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i don't know what i was expecting jimmy's house to look like, but this building called me "broke" in a hundred different languages.

i gaze up in awe at the fancy house (can i even call it a house?) while karl watches me in amusement.

"you might want to pick your jaw up off the floor before we go in," he jokes.

"i don't know if i can..." i mutter in response.

despite what i said, i end up closing my mouth as we enter the doors to the grand house.

if i thought the outside was nice, the inside is on a whole new level.

it's decorated with expensive furniture and there are fancy gadgets everywhere i look. it looks like it's straight from a fairytale.

we take a quick right when we walk in and find chandler, kris, nolan, and jimmy already sitting down in massive living room. they all turn to us when they hear our footsteps, and everyone's jaw except jimmy's drops at the sight of me.

"haven!" nolan cheers as he gets up to greet me, chandler and kris following shortly after him. "what are you doing here?"

"you didn't tell them?" karl asks.

"i thought they might like a surprise," jimmy answers.

"yeah we do!" kris says. "it's great to see you again!"

"you guys too," i reply meekly. the three of them take turns hugging me before we go to sit down.

"it's great to see you again, haven," jimmy says as i sit on the extra comfortable couch that puts mine to shame.

"thanks, you as well."

"so now that we're all here, we can discuss the next video." jimmy pulls out his phone and starts reading from it. "our next planned video is hide and seek. i don't know where we're going to have it located yet, though. any ideas?"

"disneyland!" chandler suggests.

"that's in california, dude," kris mutters next to him.


"that's all the way on the other side of the country!"

"it would also be next to impossible to rent out the entirety of disneyland for the day," jimmy adds. "plus, the area is way too big. the seekers wouldn't find anyone."

chandler humphs and crosses his arms. i laugh at his reaction, though i honestly wanted to go to disneyland as well.

"where have you guys played before?" i inquire.

"abandoned hospital, middle of the woods, the american dream mall in new jersey... kind of a variety of places," karl answers. i nod slowly.

"maybe we could do a school?" i suggest. "my sister goes to a HUGE public high school not too far from here. same one i graduated from. maybe i could use my alumni status to ask?"

"or jimmy could use his mr. beast status to ask. that might be more persuasive," nolan quips. i roll my eyes as everyone laughs.

"all jokes aside, i like that idea," jimmy says. "we haven't done a school yet."

jimmy types something on his phone. i'm assuming he's writing the idea down.

"haven, do you think they'd say yes to letting us use the school on a saturday?"

"i don't see why not."

"they'd say yes to mr. beast. not an alumni," nolan jabs again.

"i get it! shut up!" i fight the smile that's trying to creep onto my face.

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