chapter 27- sister

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friday evening finally rolls around after what seems like forever. maybe it's because i don't work anymore, so i can't occupy myself for most of the day, but every day seems to drag on longer than the last.

however, i have had someone to keep me company throughout the boring days.

"why did he only ask this morning?" i ask karl through the phone. "that's not nearly enough notice!"

"even just a couple of minutes is enough notice when you're mr. beast," karl replies. the two of us laugh. "plus, you wouldn't believe how insane the kids went when they saw him. it was like they saw jesus christ himself. i heard a bunch of people started crying, even seniors!"

"did he tell you how ava reacted? if he even saw her? because i bet she probably died-"

i cut myself off at the mention of ava. now that i think about it, i haven't spoken to ava since karl and i dropped her off at school.

she loves mr. beast, so there's no way she didn't see the video. and i'm her own sister, there's no way she didn't recognize me.

"hey, karl," i unintentionally cut him off as i zone back into reality. "i have to go. sorry."

"oh," karl says glumly. "okay. i'll see you tomorrow, though. do you want me to pick you up?"

"if it's not too much trouble. what time should i be ready?"

"you're going to hate me."

"i already do."

"you and i both know that you don't."

i sigh heavily with a smile on my face. the familiar warm, fuzzy feelings i get when i'm around karl arise again.


i can hear a short, satisfied chuckle from Karl. 

"anyway, jimmy wants us all there at... 5:30."

i audibly gasp at the mention of the criminally early hour.

"in the morning?!"

"i said it the first time we recorded and i'll say it again: don't shoot the messenger."

"what time does that mean we have to leave?"


"fuck my life."

karl laughs as i check the time. it's currently 8 pm, which means i have to be up and ready in 9 hours. which might sound like a lot of time, but really isn't.

"okay. well that means i should definitely go to sleep soon. i'll see you bright and early tomorrow," i grumble.

"good night, haven," karl says. "sleep well."

"you too. good night."

i hang up, but instead of going to sleep i scroll through my contacts and look for another person. as soon as i find her contact, i put the phone on speaker as i listen to it ring.

"hello?" ava answers. "why are you calling me?"

"because i want to talk to my little sister. is that a crime?" i ask.

"no. we just never call each other so it was a surprise. what's up?"

"are you okay?"

ava doesn't answer. i give her a couple of seconds before i speak again.


"hmm, yeah?"

"i asked if you were okay."

"why wouldn't i be okay?"

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