chapter 29- sapnap

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we get to the school at 5:25. a couple minutes early, but that's probably a good thing, considering we're working with jimmy and helping to get this video going.

we walk through the huge gates of the school, and find jimmy and a bunch of other people waiting. amongst those people is a guy slightly shorter than karl, with curly dark hair covered by a black cap. karl's face lights up when he sees him, and he pulls me along to meet the guy.

"nick!" karl exclaims as he embraces the man in a hug. the guy, nick, i guess his name is, hugs karl back and smiles.

"karl!" he responds as they pull apart from the hug. "it's been a while, how are you?"

(A/N i've heard that sapnap and karl live together now, and i don't know if that's true or not, but in this story sapnap still lives in florida with dream)

"i'm great!" karl turns towards me and puts both of his hands on my shoulders. "this is haven. haven, this is sapnap."

both of our eyes grow wide when we look at each other.

"haven," sapnap repeats quietly. he clears his throat and reaches his hand out. "it's great to meet you."

"you as well, sapnap," i reply as we shake hands. i notice sapnap's eyes continuously darting between me and karl, but i try not to overthink it.

"hey guys!" jimmy greets as he walks towards the three of us. "you two are early."

"sapnap was earlier," karl shoots back.

"it's not a bad thing to be early, king," sapnap grins.

"haven, can i get your help for something?" jimmy asks as he turns towards me. my eyebrows raise, but i nod enthusiastically.

"sure," i respond. "i'll see you two later?"

"see ya," karl and sapnap say in unison. jimmy guides me away towards the crowd of people, leaving the two brunettes alone.


karl's pov

"DUDE!" sapnap whisper-shouts to me. "she's even prettier in person! no wonder you're so heart-eyes-drooling-head-over-heels for her!"

"don't even think about it," i warn him. "she's off limits to you."

"no shit, that's not what i was implying. i know bro code."

the two of us fist bump and laugh.

"but for real, she's cool. seems sweet as well. also, you guys are wearing matching outfits and were very close while walking in..!"

sapnap wiggles his eyebrows at me and i roll my eyes.

"we've been making a lot of progress recently," i admit. "she's warmed up to me a lot."

"aww, you'll invite me to the wedding, right?"

"jesus christ dude, we haven't even kissed yet."

i mean, that's only half a lie, i guess.

"have you held hands?"


"that's practically kissing!"

i scoff as i shove him lightly.

"i wish. you're only saying that cause you're still lonely and single."

"hey! i have quackity!"

"really? too bad quacknap doesn't have the same ring to it as karlnapity does."

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