chapter 37- chick

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we hang around the garden until sunset, looking at the various plants, reading facts about them, talking to each other, and just enjoying each others' company. time went by so quickly that we didn't realize it was sunset until the two of us looked up: seeing that the sky was painted in various hues of pink, red, and orange. we stop walking and take in the picture for a bit.

"i love sunsets," i mindlessly mutter.

"same," karl responds. the two of us continue walking until a memory randomly sparks in my mind.


"i feel like karl should be the one to tell you what he does. i'm sure you can talk about it with him."

"you're making it sound like he does..."

"no! nothing like that. just like... you guys are close. he'll be open to sharing with you."


"yeah. like... kinda seems like you guys have a thing for each other."

"no! we don't!"

"don't lie to me. come on, admit that you like him at least a little."

"i don't."

"you're a liar! i could see how close you two were when you walked in!"


i smile at the recollection of me and sapnap's interactions that seem like an eternity ago, but were really a couple days ago.

"what are you smiling about?" karl asks. i shake my head.

"you never fail to notice anything, huh?" i answer his question with a question.

"not when it comes to you. now tell me. please?"

"i was just thinking about some conversation i had with sapnap during hide and seek."

"oh yeah? what about?"

the fact that i definitely like you but i'm too scared to admit it.

"what do you do for a living?"

karl raises his eyebrows at the sudden question.

"that's what sapnap and i were talking about," i clarify. "i asked him what you do, and he said you should be the one to tell me."

the brunette nods as he stops in his tracks, tugging me to stop with him.

"how about i show you?"


"where are we going?" i ask as karl drives with a permanent smirk on his face. right after our conversation, he dragged me (running, i might add) back to the car, and started taking me god knows where.

"back to my place," he answers.


"you want to know what i do for work, right? so i'll show you."

we eventually pull into some alleyway, i guess karl's, and we both get out of the car. i admire his house as i get out. though it's not as nice as jimmy's (go figure!) it's still pretty amazing.

"this is really ni-" i start before turning towards karl, who i notice is on the phone. he lowers his eyes to me and smiles, muttering a thank you. i mouth "who is that?" and point to his phone, leading him to wave his hand, as if saying "no one."

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