getting better.

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Lord, I want to be better.
Lord, I hope to be better.
God, I just wish I were better.

I want to take your hand, your ethereal, forgiving hand, yet I am held back in chains.
These chains, these sins, keep me from you.
These unforgiving thoughts keep happening, and I don't know how to stop them.

I am held by your enemy: pointed teeth and hands of thorns hidden behind a sugary sweet smile pull me back, away from you.

I wonder, Lord, why can I not get better?
I feel stupid.
It's so easy, I think, Why can't I just. be. better.

Lord, I don't want to be perfect, and I know I can't be.
Yet I just want to be something better than the person am I now.

Lord, please help me get better.
I pray and plead and beg that you help me get better, that I may finally be able to take your eternal, glorious hand.

- blue

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